Officer De Mameluks 1809


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A Fixture
Jan 7, 2004
Netherlands, Arnemuiden
It's bin a long time since I painted a 54mm. I always love this great sculpt from Bruno Leibovitz and whas a great challenge to paint it.
I call it finished. If somebody see something to correct I'll be pleased.
So every comment good or bad is welcome. As always painted with Oilpaints.

anyone who doesn't like all mameluks has no soul !!!!!

A really nice model.
I would make one suggestion if you don't mind.
the light scource for your photo is I think 'washing' out some of the colour.
If it is directional flash I would suggest a layer of tissue paper over the flash would diffuse the light a little.
If it is a fixed scource you could change tour camers settings to slightly under expose the auto settings.

But the figure is a cracker.

the light scource for your photo is I think 'washing' out some of the colour.
If it is directional flash I would suggest a layer of tissue paper over the flash would diffuse the light a little.
If it is a fixed scource you could change tour camers settings to slightly under expose the auto settings.

Thanks Paul.
There is no direct light source. There is a window 2 mtr behind me that is on the south. I exposed the pictures with -1 stop.
Then I had to reduced the bright colors (the red whas more red then into the painttube) to -33 for reasonable colors what is close to the figure in reality.
If you can help me with this, i really apreciate it.

Very nice work. I painted this one myself some years back and I remember that it was a challenge to paint. Again; well done.
Thanks Paul.
There is no direct light source. There is a window 2 mtr behind me that is on the south. I exposed the pictures with -1 stop.
Then I had to reduced the bright colors (the red whas more red then into the painttube) to -33 for reasonable colors what is close to the figure in reality.
If you can help me with this, i really apreciate it.Marc

If there is a 'problem' Mark it's only the strength of the light scource.

If you do under expose you can kill the red to almost magenta or crimson has happened to me.

So pehaps you can use the strength of the light to your advantage in a different way.
Shield your model behind something to block the light directly falling on it, and use a pale sheet of paper or maybe grey primed plasticard as a reflector back from the opposite direction and reduce it's intensity?

It maybe worth the trouble and would be cheaper than building a light box as some guys do.

I improvise a studio backdrop with black foamboard sheets under and behind the model, and swing my desklamp over the top.
I photograph in the kitchen when it's dark outside.

Because I use daylight bulbs in my painting lamp, I can underexpose the pic...or move the lamp away..or both.

I hope this may help.

How awful it is when it is too sunny in Northern Europe :D

Good luck friend, it's good having you back at the bench properly I can tell your arm is a lot better now

Thanks Paul. I have a lightbox and it is not working for me.
Maybe i should take some new pictures when it's dark with the TL light from above. :)
I made some different settings, but nothing could give me a good picture in all these 15 years when I'm taking pictures of my models.
Before the digicam i took them with a old SLR and doing all the development and darkroom work myself. I have to admit that where the best pictures.

Thanks Mat.
I consider that. Gonna look over it.

There is a great SBS from Ron Tamburinni at the moment here on PF. Get a horse out of the GA and follow him.
You gonna end with some great horse.

There is a great SBS from Ron Tamburinni at the moment here on PF. Get a horse out of the GA and follow him.
You gonna end with some great horse.


Hi Marc
Thats true, been following that one by Ron, next thing is getting a mounted figure.
Cheers Marc

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