Oh The Choices


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Ok I've done a few layers on the cummerbund but I think it gives a good flavour to how it will look. I'm fairly happy with how the breeches have turned out.


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Hi Taff,
The white's don't look too bad at all at this stage, like previously stated they can be subtley changed with washes. Be bold and block in more colours, do the tunic and cummerbund in the same way you have done the breeches. Honestly mate you will see a massive difference. You can subtley change the colour of the cummerbund for a different contrast, so it does not fade into the tunic. Sometimes you have just got to give it a go and learn from hands on experience.
In articles at the top of the page Grant did an excellent SBS for painting leather boots aswell, might be worth a look if it can still be accessed.
Keep it going you are doing well.(y)
Hi mate,
At the top of the page between Wiki and vBench there is a tab called artlicles it is in there, painting leather boots by Grant Gellatly. I have just tried to access it but it would not open for me!!!!! If it does not open contact either Gordy or Tommi and see if they can get the link up and running.
I think the white looks fine... If there was one addition to make, I'd wash a shade under the belt (which will also be white) to give it definition. You can do the same under the sash and haversack as well... gives some depth between the colours.
I agree with Richie... Get the brushes wet and dive in head first. You will learn from mistakes... but you gatta make them to learn from them.

Muck in there!

Its looking good Taff!.. but when are you going to Knock-off the casting blocks ?.. you will have to handle the figure quite a lot, whilst doing so, which my affect your paintwork.
As soon as I'm able to get out a buy some snips mate, just waiting in at the moment for that uniform book.
Go careful with any snips mate...tends to be a bit uncontrolled...you might see bits flying off you didn't intend to ...done that myself in the past..makes you want to sit down and ave a bit of a cry