Here is what I've got so far. Comments apreciated, especialy on the freckles. So far the reception has been positive, but I can see how it might not appeal to some people.
Nice fleshtones, & as Matt says above I'd blend the freckles in a little. The flowers on the plinth are a nice touch, & add a splash of colour.
Great work, watching with interest!
I would have most definently used a brighter shade in retrospect, but this is my first time doing it so I didn't really have a reference point. I did add a few glazes already to blend it in a little bit, but I'm afraid of destroying the contrast I've worked so long on. I'm not going to be doing anything else to the skin for now, I will take a second look once the rest is done.
Hello, as people have already said they need tweaked, I would lose a few here and there, especially near eyes and on chin. The philtrum also needs to match rest of lip in colour.
Female faces have less contrast usually.
I am sure you will be working on this still as its a Wip, but this is my opinion. Thanks for posting. Michael
Here is an update. Much like the freckles the sheer fabric is something I'm doing for the first time. Took me a while but I think I finally got it right. None of these newly painted parts are finished mind you, I was a bit impatient and jumped around with my painting.