Painting alien skin - Help!!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
perth, west australia
Time and time again this bust grabs my attention and yells at me to buy it.
However, I must say the aspect of painting the mongrel scares the daylights out of me. Mainly cause of colour choice.

I was hoping that some of you may have some advice on what paints and colours would be needed/advised for this.


As you can see its beautifully ugly and it cries out to be bought and put in a painting comp just to scare the living day lights out of everyone ;-)

I don't pretend I could ever paint it as well as in the photo. But I have always wanted to try something like this and for only $80 US (about $100) for a 9.5 inch high bust, its a bargain.

Any help would be appreciated!!!!
What a fab sculpt!

The painting of this I'm sure involved a complex (not complicated) layering method. There's a lot of airbrushing I'm sure, which certainly helps when applying thin layers evenly over large surfaces. It could have been started with a salmony colour, the veining painting in by hand and then a pale buff applied over it thinly and unevenly.

I'd definitely suggest going with a few practice runs, see what works. One thing that makes this kind of painting easier than it might be otherwise is there's often little or no shading of the type we'd generally use in historical modelling.

Other than the skin, the teeth and tusks could be undercoated in off-white or a light parchment colour, then glazed with in succession, possibly with Raw Sienna and then Burnt Umber (in multiple layers), with final detailing applied in black. The gloss finish then unifies the effect nicely.

Similar thing with the gums. Paint pink, maybe vary the colour a bit to show projecting areas or to show the light direction, hand-paint the veins then apply gloss finish and voila.

Thanks alot for the responces!!!

I haven't got him yet, but will go and pre order now :)

I will prob do a WIP here to see how we go ;-)

But first things first...gotta get those historicals done! :-D

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