Painting Posting Rules and Guidelines


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It Is a bit confusing I guess,but I will mostly post my completed figure's in painting.

Even though the small-print for the Painting forum says "All things relating to the art of figure painting, acrylic and oils, tips and techniques. Color matching and sharing of palette mixes".

And you're not the only one Ralph. This highlights two things:

1) People don't read the small-print (or don't read it properly)
2) The need to tidy the whole thing up along the lines of the tweaks outlined higher up in the thread (which I won't repeat again here)

It's a proper dog's breakfast as things stand. "All things relating to the art of figure painting" ......Again, a catch-all statement like that can (and clearly does) mean different things to different people.

I shall continue to stir the pot among my fellow mods to hopefully get something done soon.

- Steve
I have some questions.
I put a finished figure into the showcase. Now it doesn't comes not in my vBench.
Beside that I had less comments to learn from.
If I put my finished figure into the vBench I get some comments to learn from: Its always under Completed Critique.
Why isn't that allowed anymore. Now it brings me nothing putting it into the showcase.

Marc, .. The Mods, and Admin, are working on this aspect! Hopefully all will be resolved shortly!

However, as a side question! where would you normally post a 'Completed Figure'.?

I'm confused just reading these posts.....I hadn't even noticed there was an Album section until I read it on this thread :confused:

I may be looking at this in a simplistic way but why not just rename Albums to vBench Completed as they both appear on a member's profile page. Then we can do away with the Galleries tab altogether (which is confusing in itself as the terms Galleries and Albums seem to be used to mean the same thing and are used interchangeably) at the top of the page and just have 2 options under the vBench tab (WIP and Completed), or alternatively have the 2 links (WIP and Completed) next to the member's profile pic on the vBench page.

We would then have quick links to what someone is working on and what they have completed direct from their profile page and also under their profile pic when you click the vBench tab. The situation at the moment (as far as I can see) is that a lot of juicy stuff is being missed unless you spend hours/days hunting through the various forums as they don't always link to their vBench.

Another alternative may be to link the "Completed" and "WIP" tags to the vBench so that whenever one of these tags is appended to a thread then it will appear in the member's vBench regardless of where it is posted. But I'm no programmer so I don't even know if this is possible :confused:

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