Good day to all
The company Alpine Miniatures is one we have seen release high quality figures and one which is respected by our community run by a member of PF ( Taesung Harmms aka T50 ) they have recently now released 2 busts based on the 1/16th figures range
The one we are looking at was announced here : and and naturally in social media.
The subject comes with 2 different heads giving 2 versions

Before I go any further a THANK YOU to Steve Kirtley from SK Miniatures who kindly forwarded on the review items from Taesung ( Steve is also a supplier of the Alpine products )
As you can see it depicts a Officer in either the side cap or crusher cap so often seen , so you win both ways by having a spare head when you have chosen yours !!
Depicting a member of the 116 Panzer who also wore the distinctive greyhound badge on their headwear hence the name the Windhund Division , our subject is also well decorated with Iron cross 1st and 2nd class , Panzer badge , German cross in gold ( this could come both as embroidered or metal , around his shoulders hang binoculars .
The bust is based on the full figure reference 16001
Lets have a bit of information on the divisional badge
History of the Windhund badge:
Adopted by the 16 Panzer Grenadier Division as their heraldic animal in 1943. This badge (Windhund-Abzeichen) depicts a greyhound (or 'Windhund' in German) running on the steppes of Russia.
As the story goes some Feldgendarmen (Field Police) brought back to divisional H.Q. a starving dog which they had found in the countryside, General Major Gerhard Graf Von Schwerin who had been commanding the division since 13 November 1942 decided to adopt the animal, a greyhound, which from then on followed him everywhere. Christened "Sascha" by the ranks this hunting dog from the steppes came to symbolize for the men the memorable combats fought in Russia.

Schnell wie ein Windhund, Zäh wie Leder, Hart wie Kruppstahl, Windhund Vor!
Translated to :
Quick like a greyhound, tough like leather, hard like Krupp steel, Greyhounds in front!
The memorial at Vossenack to the soldiers of the 116th Panzer Division lost in the Hürtgen Forest battles reads:….”Tote Soldaten sind niemals allein, denn immer werden treue kameraden bei ihnen sein” (“Dead soldiers are never alone, for loyal comrades will always remain with them”).
Over 45000 soldiers served in this Division with over 8000 of them losing their lives.
Here are some reference details for the bust:

Continued in next post
The company Alpine Miniatures is one we have seen release high quality figures and one which is respected by our community run by a member of PF ( Taesung Harmms aka T50 ) they have recently now released 2 busts based on the 1/16th figures range
The one we are looking at was announced here : and and naturally in social media.
The subject comes with 2 different heads giving 2 versions

Before I go any further a THANK YOU to Steve Kirtley from SK Miniatures who kindly forwarded on the review items from Taesung ( Steve is also a supplier of the Alpine products )
As you can see it depicts a Officer in either the side cap or crusher cap so often seen , so you win both ways by having a spare head when you have chosen yours !!
Depicting a member of the 116 Panzer who also wore the distinctive greyhound badge on their headwear hence the name the Windhund Division , our subject is also well decorated with Iron cross 1st and 2nd class , Panzer badge , German cross in gold ( this could come both as embroidered or metal , around his shoulders hang binoculars .
The bust is based on the full figure reference 16001

Lets have a bit of information on the divisional badge
History of the Windhund badge:
Adopted by the 16 Panzer Grenadier Division as their heraldic animal in 1943. This badge (Windhund-Abzeichen) depicts a greyhound (or 'Windhund' in German) running on the steppes of Russia.
As the story goes some Feldgendarmen (Field Police) brought back to divisional H.Q. a starving dog which they had found in the countryside, General Major Gerhard Graf Von Schwerin who had been commanding the division since 13 November 1942 decided to adopt the animal, a greyhound, which from then on followed him everywhere. Christened "Sascha" by the ranks this hunting dog from the steppes came to symbolize for the men the memorable combats fought in Russia.

Schnell wie ein Windhund, Zäh wie Leder, Hart wie Kruppstahl, Windhund Vor!
Translated to :
Quick like a greyhound, tough like leather, hard like Krupp steel, Greyhounds in front!
The memorial at Vossenack to the soldiers of the 116th Panzer Division lost in the Hürtgen Forest battles reads:….”Tote Soldaten sind niemals allein, denn immer werden treue kameraden bei ihnen sein” (“Dead soldiers are never alone, for loyal comrades will always remain with them”).
Over 45000 soldiers served in this Division with over 8000 of them losing their lives.
Here are some reference details for the bust:

Continued in next post