Review Panzer Officer bust from Alpine Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Good day to all

The company Alpine Miniatures is one we have seen release high quality figures and one which is respected by our community run by a member of PF ( Taesung Harmms aka T50 ) they have recently now released 2 busts based on the 1/16th figures range


The one we are looking at was announced here : and and naturally in social media.

The subject comes with 2 different heads giving 2 versions


Before I go any further a THANK YOU to Steve Kirtley from SK Miniatures who kindly forwarded on the review items from Taesung ( Steve is also a supplier of the Alpine products )

As you can see it depicts a Officer in either the side cap or crusher cap so often seen , so you win both ways by having a spare head when you have chosen yours !!

Depicting a member of the 116 Panzer who also wore the distinctive greyhound badge on their headwear hence the name the Windhund Division , our subject is also well decorated with Iron cross 1st and 2nd class , Panzer badge , German cross in gold ( this could come both as embroidered or metal , around his shoulders hang binoculars .

The bust is based on the full figure reference 160010000000000000000.jpg

Lets have a bit of information on the divisional badge

History of the Windhund badge:

Adopted by the 16 Panzer Grenadier Division as their heraldic animal in 1943. This badge (Windhund-Abzeichen) depicts a greyhound (or 'Windhund' in German) running on the steppes of Russia.

As the story goes some Feldgendarmen (Field Police) brought back to divisional H.Q. a starving dog which they had found in the countryside, General Major Gerhard Graf Von Schwerin who had been commanding the division since 13 November 1942 decided to adopt the animal, a greyhound, which from then on followed him everywhere. Christened "Sascha" by the ranks this hunting dog from the steppes came to symbolize for the men the memorable combats fought in Russia.


Schnell wie ein Windhund, Zäh wie Leder, Hart wie Kruppstahl, Windhund Vor!

Translated to :

Quick like a greyhound, tough like leather, hard like Krupp steel, Greyhounds in front!

The memorial at Vossenack to the soldiers of the 116th Panzer Division lost in the Hürtgen Forest battles reads:….”Tote Soldaten sind niemals allein, denn immer werden treue kameraden bei ihnen sein” (“Dead soldiers are never alone, for loyal comrades will always remain with them”).

Over 45000 soldiers served in this Division with over 8000 of them losing their lives.

Here are some reference details for the bust:



Continued in next post

Onwards we go :
There are interesting books about here are some :

000000.jpg 0000000000.jpga1a.jpgaa.jpga1.jpg

As we will be painting black for the uniform there are painting sets available here is just one from AK Interactive ( others are available ie from Andrea, Life Colour , Vallejo etc)


Lets have the details on the release:

Title: Officer 116 Pz Div Windhund
Reference: B0001
Scale: 1/16th
Material: Lt Gray Resin
No of Pieces: 5
Sculptor: Original Full figure by Mike Good (conversion by Taesung Harmms)
Box Art: Taesung Harmms

Parts were in a distinctive clear flexible plastic box with the instantly known colouring with the Alpine Miniature logo on it

Alpine Panzer 001.jpg
Part consist of 2 heads one with side cap the other the crusher type , the torso , binoculars and a plinth .

Inside there is also a paper insert with a colour version of the piece itself.
Alpine Panzer 002.jpg

Prep....Absolutely minimal ... remove excess resin from necks and plinth and bino's and fit into position ...can't be much easier than that!!!

The Resin......


Wearing the Panzer fold over jacket or Panzerjacke I see our officer standing proud in the cupola of his tank heading across the vast steppes of Russia ready for the next engagement , he wears a scarf that has been depicted as blowing out ...nice touch .

The sculpting is really very good indeed , as this was my first look at an Aline piece I am very impressed and can understand why the products are so respected and wanted in the full figures .

Undercuts are sharp with some nice work on the badges and awards , particularly the German Cross and the eagle on his right side ....all the badges etc are very well worked this will make the painting very much easier , all adding more to the piece

The scarf is blowing towards the side and has good folds in respect the movement expected as a result ..these could be private purchase , civilian and virtually most colours ...contrasting nicely to the dark uniform itself .

On the shoulders we see his rank , very nicely done , the panzer troops piping or Waffenfarbe was a salmon pink in colour ...this piping is in its self very interesting to research as there are many different versions

The neck area is well done ready to take the actual head of your choice filling is needed .
There are 2 location holes for the bino's to fit to .

Alpine Panzer 003.jpg Alpine Panzer 005.jpg Alpine Panzer 007.jpg
Alpine Panzer 004.jpg

2 versions are available to choose on both the facial features are the same , well sculpted ( as it would be with Mike Goods original ) , great feature definition

Both caps are well shaped , I particularly like the worn crusher , as often seen in pictures ( see references ) both have the divisional badge on the side nicely formed , the details of the eagles and the laurel leaves etc are clear and accurate

Fit is excellent and either looks great in place .....and your spares box benefits as well!!

Alpine Panzer 016.jpg Alpine Panzer 015.jpgAlpine Panzer 014.jpgAlpine Panzer 012.jpgAlpine Panzer 011.jpgAlpine Panzer 010.jpgAlpine Panzer 009.jpgAlpine Panzer 013.jpg

Suffice to say these are accurate , adding more interest to the piece with the chance to get some good weathering on them as well

Alpine Panzer 017.jpgAlpine Panzer 018.jpg

This is a nicely shaped piece there is a piece of excess to remove or you could use it with the base itself is very good to the torso lase itself .

Alpine Panzer 019.jpg

Final Thoughts

As I said this is my first view of the Alpine products and I really like the quality that is clearly evident , nice to see bust modellers being thought of as well ...hopefully we will see more in the future . The casting is excellent and it will paint up really well .
Highly recommended to all

Cheers to Taesung and Steve Kirtley for sending thie review item ( I have another to do soon !!!)

For more information on this and all the products from Alpine


Website : or follow on FB or you can contact Taesung via this forum

UK supplier : SK Miniatures at

Thanks for looking in


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