Why obsessed with this subject?Hi Colin
Thanks for sharing the fleshwork pictures coming together nicely there
This is going to be another fine version , all credit to you for painting so many versions
What’s kept you going when painting so many ?......perhaps his story , the uniform ?
Enjoy the next session
Happy benchtime
Don’t let me put you off them. They are great paints, particularly for larger figs and busts.Looks good and an interesting point re the tube paints, so far I only have one everything else is in dropper bottles, I think I'll stick to them.
Cheers Simon
Thx Nap. Not happy with his mouth…a bit Thunderbirds looking. I may need to redo his eyes as well.Hi Colin
The face is nearly there I reckon but with a little more highs as you said
Out of interest how many layers before you decided to change .....any reason it went grainy?
Fear not the gold lacework ...it’s a nice start and I’ve no doubt it will work and look great
Good pictures to follow through on
Thanks for sharing the updates
Happy benchtime
Thanks Bob. I guess this isn’t bad for 3 days in.Oh my god, just caught up with this one Colin, wow you don't hang about, superb painting and following in shell shock.