Hi everybody
I like a challenge and one is to try and keep up with the explosion of releases from Altores Studio so its time to share another.
This time we have :
Here is the actual box art
A PF member (Khorn) has also painted his version here:
The ECW is a conflict that split family's and friends fighting for different sides in an often all too bloody battleground , new weapons came into use , cannon and siege warfare was used but one of the most famous soldiers is of course the pikeman .
Carrying a weapon 16' plus long but sometimes cut down fro ease of use , the pike had been in use for many years before including ancient times , the spanish used them of course and a body of pikeman was a lethal obstacle to cavalry .
Pikeman were strong , and dedicated soldiers , often proving themselves in battle at push of pike.
Some were fully armoured as in this release some were just given an outdated helmet , buff coats providing protection against sword cuts , with heavy leather gauntlets for protection against the pike shaft., some had swords of many types , some had just knives.
Books are of course plenty here are a few:

Continued in next post
I like a challenge and one is to try and keep up with the explosion of releases from Altores Studio so its time to share another.
This time we have :

Here is the actual box art

The ECW is a conflict that split family's and friends fighting for different sides in an often all too bloody battleground , new weapons came into use , cannon and siege warfare was used but one of the most famous soldiers is of course the pikeman .
Carrying a weapon 16' plus long but sometimes cut down fro ease of use , the pike had been in use for many years before including ancient times , the spanish used them of course and a body of pikeman was a lethal obstacle to cavalry .
Pikeman were strong , and dedicated soldiers , often proving themselves in battle at push of pike.
Some were fully armoured as in this release some were just given an outdated helmet , buff coats providing protection against sword cuts , with heavy leather gauntlets for protection against the pike shaft., some had swords of many types , some had just knives.

Above figure made by Tony Barton
Books are of course plenty here are a few:

Continued in next post