Hi all,
I finished the bargain hunting pirate today. Went for a sweaty, dirty, oily look hopefully it worked. All comments and critique are welcome and thanks for looking.
Very nicely done Andrew you've captured the 'look' beautifully.
Magnified it and it stands up well to closer inspection, might just be the image but the eyes seem a bit flat next to the sheen of the skin, maybe a dab of satin.
Thanks all for taking the time to comment, the eyes have now had a coat of clear not sure how I missed that I always seem to miss something obvious
Thanks Tony, I think I have finally found a style that I am happy with and I'm starting to figure out how to use acrylics to suit that style. I have a long way to go but have to thank everyone on the planet that has taken the time to comment on my figures and give me tips I have learnt lots in the year and half since I started painting thanks to those words of wisdom.