A Fixture
One of the toughest things to master in figure painting is placing highlights and shadows. I see many new painters ask the question about where to place them and zenithal lighting. I wanted to show you how I decide on highlight and shadow placement on a difficult figure. Figures with clothing are a lot easier to figure out placement then on a bare or lightly clothed figure. I am currently starting an Andrea Miniatures "Pin up" series figure and highs/shadows placement can be difficult. SO when I have a figure like this I take several photos with my phone and upload them to Picassa (a free program) and make a collage of several different angles with zenithal lighting. Here is the collage I am using for the highs/shadows placement. As you can see in the various pictures, I can see where each highlight and shadow should go and actually can see the depth of the shadows and highlights when I will paint them in. Hopefully this will help someone when they come across this challenge!