Hello my friends, I present to you a work finished a few months ago. I paint (in acrylics) and set up all Bravo-6 "platoon" figures, I hope you like it,cheers Christos.
Very nicely done Christos. This is just the set-up we've been waiting on for those exceptional Bravo 6 figures! I like what you've done with the composition as well. Generally I always say, use odd numbers, you've taken these eight figures and split them up into two groups of odd numbered figures in the layout to ballance the composition out quite nicely. Good work.
I have been waiting to see someone put all these figures together in one place and you have done an exellent job of doing that Christos. The figures are very well painted as usual from you and the groundwork is exeptional, nice to see you gave the earth a red tone and also gave the figures dirty knees to represent this.
Thank you all guys for your warm feedbacks, Jay I am also fanatic in odd numbers, the plants are a combination of "fredericus rex", metallic fotoetched from different companies and real plants, I also used Mig's pigment "Vietnam earth".
Superb painting and brilliant use of jungle vegetation to create a very realistic looking scene. The overhanging tree covered in vines gives a sense of thejungle closing in around and on top of the figures.
Fantastic to see all these great Bravo 6 figures put together.
Hello, my friend!
What can I say more than other... Truly amazing work!!!!!!!!!!! All figures looks great, flesh tones, weathering... Well done, Christos! Compliments