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Please allow me to add my personal opinion on some of the replies here:
Copy right simply means the right to copy. Right?
If you didn't pay for something, it's not yours. Correct?

When you buy a figure, do you buy the right to copy it as well???
What does it say on the box? Does it say,"this kit includes a full
1/16 figure in resin"? Or does it say,"this kit includes a full 1/16
figure in resin AND the right to copy it"? ;)

I'm not a lawyer, and what I wrote above is in no way based on copy right laws.
I believe it's based on a common sense. :)

quick question , is the rest of the figure , apart from the head , and the obvious work on the molle vest , a copy of the original ?

i have to admit to having no sculpting skills whatsoever , as a consequence i have to rely on the skills of others , and have a spares box half full of bits and bobs , and like the original post , i tend to add paraphernalia to a figure to give me what i'm after , and sometimes refer to it as being scratchbuilt , cos legs may come from one figure , torso from another , left arm in a more correct position , ditto right arm and head i think this just gives us the scope to enhance our modelling skills in whatever way we choose , with modern military figures there does tend to be the scope to do this .
but if it's a straight rip off it sounds more like it's been bought and copied probably china and unfortunately nothing you can do except sit back and bask in the knowledge that the originals will be more sought after than some cheapo yellow resin one . mind u if it's only just been released and u only do in grey resin someones been quick off the mark could the sculpter have sold similar to another production company ?
on the copyright issue , i've just looked thru some of my boxed grey army and unfortunately can't find a copyright logo on any of them and i'm talking andrea mins , legend prods , verlinden prods , so i'm not sure where we stand on this issue.
would like one myself with the cap turned around the back

The figure appears to be a hodge podge of pieces and parts.
John if you are ready these posts please leave us a reply.
I have been in contact with John

I have been in contact with John, he indeed made a casting of the head and did not purchase a pirated copy.
John is a stand up guy and did not realize that I had been trying to contact him, he was out of the country.

John drop me a line if I can assist you in any way with your future endeavors.
Have a great day.

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