May ask how do you proceed to sculpt the folds of the clothes? Have you got a scheme in your mind ... reference picture ... some magic?
May ask how do you proceed to sculpt the folds of the clothes? Have you got a scheme in your mind ... reference picture ... some magic?
For the folds I studied lots of pictures of statues as well as paintings. And no magic involved, but rather lots of trial and error. I had limited sculpting experience and had to learn on the job. I’m shy to say some areas I re-did about 8 times.... yes, eight times... I must think I’ll live forever.
Amazing result.
And although the theme of Ancient Rome is not interesting for me, i will follow with interest the continuation of work on this composition.
Yep! that's exactly my feeling when I'm playing with a project and start thinking to another one and the result is that it's awfully hard, for me, to finish something.
And my grey hair remind me that I will NOT live forever!
Just a quick update to show the project is still alive and progressing and why progress is so slow.
I’m not a fast modeller anyway, but the main reason this project is taking so long is that I have difficulty making up my mind about the million options that keep presenting themselves along the way.
For example, after deciding the wall’s end piece will not feature a plant, but a small statue, the question pops up what kind of statue: sandstone, bronze or marble?
I finally opted for the marble one. Its colour harmonized best with the marble bench and floor.
Hurrah, another few square millimeters finished!