Possible Dishonest Dealers : How Do You Deal With Them ?


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I did not knew this thread was about Moz.

Well, if Moz said that he refunded the money, in my opinion, as soon as Johan confirms the refund, the admins could close the topic, to avoid it becoming a exchange of "compliments".

I said close, not delete. It is just and fair that´s Johan complain be there.

Just my two cents.

Filipe (y)
Oh no!
Another Moz thread.
I begin to think its time for PF team to ban dispute resolutions and complaints via PF.
It is becoming a repeated circus - half a story gets thrown in - people respond with solidarity to a genuine issue - another half is beeing thrown in and it all gets changed around - people respond to another genuine side of story, then we chew it all for days and agree that "all is well" and "lets not do it again".

I shall bite in no more, thats my AFLO of the day.
You sent a payment
Transaction ID:
Dear maurice corry ltd.,
You sent a payment for £27.00 GBP to Johan Putseys.
Please note that it may take a little while for this payment to appear in the Recent Activity list on your Account Overview.

*****Link removed by Admin due to finacial security issues*****


£27.00 GBP
Sent on:

12 September 2012
Don't take it to heart Moz, you have plenty of supporters on Planet....great to see that you have resolved the issue and I hope that the new supply chain will relieve some of the obvious pressure.

Don't take it to heart Moz, you have plenty of supporters on Planet....great to see that you have resolved the issue and I hope that the new supply chain will relieve some of the obvious pressure.


When and where did I accuse "Moz" ? :bored:

Which issue was resolved here ? Should I consider the fact that I received an e-mail from PayPal obviously on behalf of Maurice Corry saying that I can claim 27 £ within the next 30 days a satisfactory conclusion to a figure kit purchase ? Suppose I really actually wanted to purchase a real, 120mm resin figure :confused: ?
OK no problem ;) (y) ... so I should really accept the money, and then transfer it again but this time to Gordon ... I guess the Path to Satisfactory Conclusions of Purchase Transactions is sometimes not the straightest and shortest one, then ... ;) oh well.
OK, so I'll quote myself again :

I'm just looking for a solution to a problem
I want to hear good advice to come to an honest solution that resolves this problem, is satisfactory and just for both parties involved
I wish to deal with this in a responsible way, and find a satisfactory solution"

I have done the best I can to stick to just that in this discussion, and I hope that the fact that I'm trying to solve this in a positive and constructive way, yet claiming my right at the same time, is clear.
I would like to thank everybody for their kind advice, some points about what-to-do in this kind of situation that were not clear for me have been enlightened.

I will now discuss things further with the unnamed dealer, and hope for a good conclusion of this for both of us.

If this thread is continued further, and not locked by the administartors, then there will be, from my part, no reaction, confirmation, denial, whatever as to the identity of the other party. I don't see what that would add to the sum total of good things in this hobby of ours.
Moz it occurs to me we could start a whole new soap opera here called Corry street.
We could have a pub called Refunds Return, and an annoying character called.............oh hang on someone's just told me it's already been done....bugger.
Hi PF friends,

Good you are talking about this. I had a problem with a private buying a figures. They came to me, not as I expected I talked to the seller we solved the problem: pieces returned, money refund. Well it was paypal we used. He said that he already sent message to the paypal to proceed to refund.
I would like to know how much time I have to wait until paypal refund me??


Lets look how the auction services try to handle with this problem - amongst many other ways they provide the system of feedbacks.

Luckily, I have had no problem with dishonest seller here on PF yet and hope it'll stay this way.

When I find an interesting sale offer on PF, first I check if the member is a new member or a member with some "history". If it's the second kind I try to find any posts concerning past cases in which this member acted as seller. If I don't find any negative info - threads where the buyers complain to this seller, I’m taking the risk and proceed with the purchase. If I find, posts left by satisfied buyers with thanks for this seller, it's even increases the confidence that my transaction should go well too.

Please note one thing, people whose transaction went smoothly in most cases don't bother to share about that with others – and in my opinion it’s a wrong approach. Mostly, the ones who have been treated by the seller unfairly find it worth to share about that.

For some time now, after a successful completion of the transaction I always left a message in a sale thread with thanks for the seller and information that everything went OK. Purpose of that is not only to thank the seller but especially to left the feedback that might be useful for other members when trying to evaluate if it is a fair seller and worth to buy from.
I see that some buyers which are happy with the service provided by a seller, do the same, but it seems that we are in a minority - and it’s a pity.

So, dear fellow Planeters, please left the feedback for the sellers not only when you have been treated unfairly but also when you are happy with the cooperation with the seller. I think it may help all of us to buy safer.

If you didnt want to mention the person you hold to blame, please make sure you dont drop enough hints that everyone on the site knows who you mean.
Strangely when Moz came back to reply to your alleged problem you never responded to him, started ranting about not naming anyone and left it at that. Never questioned Maurice at all, strange from someone with such a complaint.
Next thing I notice that still without answering Moz you go onto another post and try to interupt that with your cat boots idea, rather childish I thought.
Then you tell anyone who will listen you are giving up "Goodbye" and an hour later you have retirned to ask for advice, still without answering Moz. I find this all very strange and irrational.

"... being humbugged, robbed, and taken for an imbecile, now THAT is what puts a man off most of all from figure painting.
Fortunately there's still plastic aircraft modelling - oh the bliss of opening a "Wingnut Wings" kit - and AFV modelling.
The Annoying Little Belgian has spoken."
Your words not mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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