Poste-militaire Vs Pegaso! (old Vs New)


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Blue thunder, the box art, is always the intial, 'Eye-Grabber',..for any kit. But I suppose, it is there as a painting reference only, to give an idea of how the kit 'May', look. But your absolutley right in saying that there is a lot of poetic licence, and air-brushing, going on, that seems to add detail that is not present on the model. You are also right, in saying that a, assembled and primed, picture would also be of help. But what we have today, is probably better than what we got in the past. As there is now the option, of viewing, other peoples work, and their take on a figure! which a lot of the time completely ignores the 'Box Art'. Plus we can search for reviews on a figure that we have in mind, like on here in the 'Reviews & Open box section.
Derek and Mark, thank you! :)

Keeping this on topic, I am yet to find a Poste Militaire figure that has faults in its castings. Currently, a brand such as Andrea takes the same praise, but brands like Pegaso and as I stated Knight Models still have a path to improve. If one has a standard, all others to succeed must reach the same standard.

Another point that annoys me is the degree of photograph manipulation some brands practice. I loved the purity of the Poste Militaire white primed pieces against a black background: What you see is what you will take, but ... without wanting to create friction here in the comunity I would love to see other brands taking the same practice. :)

The only figure company that I known of that can match Poste Militaire is Almond Sculptures. It is sad that Richard Almond died in his early thirties. He was a prolific and very talented figure sculptor. His casting has the same quality and crispness as Poste Militarie. Just wondering why in 2012 no other figure company could match the casting skills of these two.
It's interesting that it appears only their resin kits come with a QC slip. If so, do we assume that Pegaso cast all the metal ones. Perhaps Pegaso should introduce a similar idea into their own QC process as an assurance that the item has indeed been inspected before being offered for sale. Another point of note is that all the kits I have purchased direct from Pegaso have been of excellent quality, (6 in total) yet the three I purchased from other retailers have been of a uniformly lower quality.
Probably unrelated but, makes me wonder if perhaps they keep the best at home.
Thanks for birthday wish Mark.

Yellowcat, thanks for the reminder!..... As I have the, set of two, Richard Almond, 95th Rifle's, figures,.... Going to dig them out, (Now), and have another look! totally forgot I have these.

Have had figures from PM and Pegaso and thought them wonderful kits spoiled only by my paining.
Have never had one of the "many" deformed figures spoken about here, if I did it would go straight back to the supplier. Have to admit most large WM kits I buy would be at Euro where they can be examined and returned if not good casting.
Very few fugures I will buy by post, Imperial Gallery, Stormtrooper, Maurice Corry I will buy but I know they are good quality and will return instantly any flaw noticed (unlikely).
Andrea took a huge hit on one figure but it seems to be because it had been outsourced and QC was not really in place when it was released, but the rather few sales got great publicity. Never had a bad figure from Andrea indeed have had some wonderful sculpts from them.
One point regarding costs which I dont see mentioned is the price of the metals used. I know of metals which have doubled, indeed trebled in the last year. How does that change the costs nowadays compared to a company that closed 20 years ago. No comparison!!!!!
Pegaso are to be complimented on producing some rather elegant figures at a reasonable cost.

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Hi Don, You are correct in saying that the cost of the raw materials has hugely increased over the last few years! However, the Original 'Poste-Militaire', moulds have been bought by 'Bonapartes', who are still producing, these kits under the Poste-Militaire, name/banner,. so effectivley P/M, are still very much alive. 'Bonapartes', will have to source there raw materials at, todays market price! like 'Pegaso', and everyone else. So, I think that there is a 'Comparison', as the Poste-Militaire, still seem to be of a much higher quality, than 'Pegaso', yet at a much lower cost. I agree 'Pegaso', do produce some truly great figures, but we are paying that much more for them!........Why?, given that quite a number of people agree that the P/M, kits seem to have that much more of an edge in quality.:confused:

Mark you may have something there, have just looked up the price of PM at Boneparts and Pegaso and a few others and its frightening.
PM and Pegaso seem to work out around the same price PM slightly cheaper allowng for my exchange rate.
However if you take a Boneparts Alan Ball mounted 90mm (very good sculpter) and allowing they are cat by the same company they seem to be around £40 cheaper.

Hello, Don. I noticed that, but the Alan Ball, figures are cast in 'Resin', rather than, White Metal, so therefore they would be that much cheaper than either P/M, or 'Pegaso'. Your bang on, with Alan Ball, being a good sculpter!... A number of his figures have got my attention, but I had best get on with what I have, otherwise my 'Grey-Army', will take over.:LOL:

Not a problem Mark, you cant have too many figures in your grey army. Not been able to paint for a wjile I will still be going to Euro to make further recruits for the Army. Always have a really good look at Pegaso, their stand is one of the highlights and Boneparts stand is just across the walkway.
There is an Alan Ball figure which has my attention,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Which one may I ask Don? There is a couple there I like although Napoleonics aren't really my favorite period

Which one may I ask Don? There is a couple there I like although Napoleonics aren't really my favorite period

Sorry Steve my present like from Bonapart is the 90mm Sergeant of the Connaught Rangers. I still have a few original Poste Militaire figures to paint.

There is no comparison between the Marketing and Production costs of Bonapartes and Pegaso. One is a true Marketing and Sales Organisation the other a small company working from Home and staffed by family members (No offence meant Dave and Paul-just to emphasive a point)
Both are successful in their own way and give great service to the hobby. I don't think these comparisons are adding any value, lets just enjoy all of the Manufacturers who contribute in different ways to this great hobby. The plethora of great new releases mentioned in other threads will make Euro an exciting show this year and I hope that all of the Manufacturers large and small enjoy the rewards of their undoubted efforts on behalf of the modelling fraternity..........and make a few bob for themselves as well(y) .
One day in the not too distant future when I'm sitting with a crocheted rug over my knees and clicking on PF just to perve on the girlie adds, I'll probably also see a thread entitled "Pegaso vs 3D printed figures! (Old vs New)" where young-uns like us will be discussing the merits of those good ol' Pegaso figures ( even if most have one knee slightly raised) compared to those new fangled printy jobs......cos that's the way it will all go, and one day very soon.
The white metal that Métal Modèles use is similar in quality if not the same to what Poste Militaire used.

An anecdote : I used to know a guy who was a wonderful sculptor, and he sometimes would cast some bits and pieces for himself, and as material he used the bases that come with figures - nobody hardly ever uses them.

This was his verdict : the white metal in most kits is of average quality - but the white metal in a Poste Militaire or a Métal Modèles kit is of superior quality - "it just flows like wine when you melt it and cast with it" that's what he said.

what a pity to use good wine in such ways
Mark S,......., I may have to seek a 'Cease & Desist', order, from our my local 'Magistrate', on the fact that, 'To your mind', we, here! on P/F, are all in 'Wheelchairs, and/or rocking-Chairs, with the veritable 'Rug', cast over our knee's, sat by an open fire, and puffing on 'Clay-Pipes', and swigging, warm ale from pewter jugs!........ grumbling about, the good old days........., I've said it before, and I will say it again! I'm, 46, and still have my own teeth!:eek:
Actually!........In truth, I do have a wheelchair. But no 'Clay-Pipe', or Rug!:smug:.. Saying that, I've also got an open fire, and 'Ale'.............., No Pewter jug though!........ Hmmm, am I halfway there already? Bugger!:depressed:
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