WIP Private Mississippi Infantry 1861


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Oops missed a few here but that's not unusual at the mo. Coming on great Malc, he's going to be pretty stunning considering that colourwise it's fairly muted uniform. Will he be ready for the North Surrey show by any chance?

Cheers Simon
Oops missed a few here but that's not unusual at the mo. Coming on great Malc, he's going to be pretty stunning considering that colourwise it's fairly muted uniform. Will he be ready for the North Surrey show by any chance?

Cheers Simon

The uniform is certainly a challenge, as you say its quite muted, so I'm trying to add something to it with the weathering.
Hopefully I can pull it of.
Not sure if he'll be ready for the North Surrey show..... will you be there?


From Nap ...Simon message ref notifications sent
Looking good so far, a really unusual uniform.

I hope this series of figures from TFB provides the impetus for painters to see the ACW as more than just Blue vs Grey/Butternut. There were probably enough unique uniforms at 1st Manassas alone to keep a collector happy for years.
Hi Rob, we are going to continue to release the unusual uniforms from the early part of the war. As it’s very interesting indeed and the scope is great. Just to let you know we will be doing a confederate vignette in the near future to balance things up a bit so keep a look out for that.


TFB Miniatures Team
Finally finding some time to make some more progress on the figure.
I've added the pouch and tried to make it look very scuffed, after seeing one similar in my of my reference books.
I used Scale 75 black leather as a basecoat, followed by some subtle highlights by adding some birch to the black.
Thin layers of Vallejo black was then built up over the pouch before adding the scuff marks with Orange leather.
The next step was to make a start on the trousers, and I wanted to give the impression of ground in dirt.
I've used three different shades of grey getting lighter towards the bottom.
To the Brown Grey shade I added a little Vallejo Chocolate brown, and varying the strength of shadows as I progressed.
Moving on to the highlights, I began with Rainy Grey, again with a little Chocolate brown and then some Thar Brown to lighten.
I experimented with the application, by gradually applying short streaks to build up the highlights rather than painting them in one go.
This seem to work well for me, and its something I'll try and the method develope further.
The next step will be to weather the trousers a bit more once the shoes have been painted.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Hi Malc it’s coming along very well indeed love the way the gray is going. The weather work is great too. Loving this keep it up.


TFB Miniatures Team
I've been forgetting to check this thread, glad I did now, this is looking very striking indeed, and really cool uniform. Great work so far, this is looking really good Malc.
Hi Malc it’s coming along very well indeed love the way the gray is going. The weather work is great too. Loving this keep it up.


TFB Miniatures Team

Thanks Steve, thank you. trying to make the uniform look weathered to add interest to the figure.
Fingers crossed it will look ok when its finished.

I've been forgetting to check this thread, glad I did now, this is looking very striking indeed, and really cool uniform. Great work so far, this is looking really good Malc.

Thanks Nigel, it is an unusual uniform making it an interesting figure.

Hi Malc

Catching up a bit here , this is coming along really nicely now , nice weathering on the pouch and the trousers are coming along well ......if I did legs I'd be tempted to add either a patch or a tear to them

Thanks for updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Hi Malc

Catching up a bit here , this is coming along really nicely now , nice weathering on the pouch and the trousers are coming along well ......if I did legs I'd be tempted to add either a patch or a tear to them

Thanks for updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Cheers Nap.

A patch on the trousers would've been a great touch, but I'm reluctant to make any changes at this stage, as knowing my luck, I'm liable to mess
what I've painted already.
Just shows I need to put more thought into my work, rather then rushing to get the brushes out.

He is coming along nicely, the warm tones in the grey make for an interesting looking colour. Very effective.

Cheers Rob.
To be honest, I don't think the photos show the true colours although I am using warm tones as you say, this is down to me being lazy and using my phone camera.
When the figure is complete, I'll use my SLR and hopefully get some better photos.

It looks really nice so far.
And phone cameras never represent the real thing particularly well.

You're too right there, the camera's don't give a true representation.... a recent photo of me taken at Christmas, makes me look three times the size I am. :LOL:
I'll have to get used to used to using my SLR or buy a Google phone with a decent camera.

Seem to have missed a little progress here, looks really good, will be interested in how you get on with the short streak method of highlighting.

Cheers Simon
Seem to have missed a little progress here, looks really good, will be interested in how you get on with the short streak method of highlighting.

Cheers Simon

Cheers Simon. At this point I'm finding the shorts streaks working better for me, helps me with making the graduation of shades look better.

A little more progress made this morning,
I've been working on the backpack, I chose a drab colour for the blanket roll and added a thin red line at each end for extra detail.
Typically as I began to do this I got my dreaded hand shakes, I'm surprised the lines didn't come out zig-zag.
Moving on to the pack itself, these were made from a painted canvas, so I wanted to give the appearance of a different texture.
The basecoat is Scale 75 black, which dries nice and matt, to being out the detail I gradually added highlights by lightly drybrushing on Petroleum grey.
Next I added some Grey Brown and repeated the process keeping the detail subtle, then to finish off a little Rainy Grey was added for final detailing.

I also made a start on the base, the fence section has been painted, using my own garden fence as a guide, well weathered,
unfortunately it's quite similar shade to the uniform, so I'll adjust this later on.
Magic-Sculpt was used for the groundwork using an old toothbrush to add the detail.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.


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