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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
Hi Figureteers!

Ive found this "new" sculpting putty on Jadar. Has anyone used or know anything about it?


Yep, it is a very good two compound sculpting material, like Magic Sculpt, but a bit better in the consistence. Details stay very well in it! On the bad side, it is not cheap and a pack consists not much stuff. It is highly recommended for small scale sculpting.

I bought some but only did a small speck to test it so far.

It can be best compared to Duro or Green Stuff but without the memory effect. My subjective opinion: It holds sharper shapes better, is less sticky and while still slightly flexible is a bit harder when dried.

To me it seems like an enhanced Duro. So far I like it but will have to do a sculpt to get into it.

Janne, you might want to check on CMON or other mini sites, they've been talking about the stuff for a while so there are bound to be some thread with a bit of first-hand info on the stuff.

Hi Manfred!


Whew! from the title of your post, I almost thought that we were going to have to sit you down and have "the talk" about the birds and bees that every parent dreads :lol:


Hello, this is Kevin Contos-I do the web page and some sculpting for Lance and Laser. I discovered your forum this morning when hits from this thread started showing up on our site tracker.

I am quite pleased with ProCreate. The hardest thing to get used to is that it is easier to use. PSI Kneadatite, aka "Duro" and greenstuff, was not really designed for detail sculpting- it is a generally adhesive and filler formulated to be sticky to adhere well and have enough working time to smooth or blend it into a gap. I usually would blend it with about 25% of their brown putty to lessen the memory effect and stiffen the detail. The folks at PSI :
have always been helpful and generous with the sculpting and craft community, however, their main business is geared more towards industrial and hardware applications.

ProCreate is designed for detail sculpting-it has a much longer practical working time, blends well, and the color is much easier on the eyes. Per weight, it costs about the same as the greenstuff, but there is a lot less waste due to the separate packaging and longer working time. A little goes a long way, and if you snip off a pea-sized piece of each component, you'll have more than enough to work with for most detail applications.

I am happy to have found your forum, it looks like a great resource that I will enjoy exploring. As I do not want to appear to be too much of a shill for Lance and Laser, you may also purchase ProCreate from the Kraftmark EBay store:

They also have a nice t-shirt with ProCreate emblazoned boldly across the front, which may get you slapped or make you some new friends, depending on where you wear it. Tim Mayer, the chemist and co-owner of Kraftmark, obviously has a sense of humor-

Here's my Mini Sculptin' Link Page if you want to check it out:

as well as handy Javascript Scale Calculator
Hi Kevin, and welcome to the planet...thanks for the additional I just gotta see if I can find this stuff here in the U.K....

All the best....Roy.
Dan, If possible let me know how the putty works out.

Kevin, Welcome to the Planet. Could you possibly share some insight as to the carving abilities of this putty?`Gary
Kevin: Good to see you here and welcome to the list. I loved your L&L flamingoes by the way. :)

I've actually been using pro-create for almost a year now as I'm one of the sculptors who tested it. I put a report on procreate over here:
I quite like it and it's my main putty.

As to carving abilities, well, compared to green stuff it's much better suited for dry sculpting techniques like scraping (really ahppy to be able to do again :) ), sanding and carving. It does still have a little bit a rubbery feel but far less than Green stuff. It also hardens softer than Brown stuff and Milliput.

Hope this helps.

Bye, Ming-Hua

Nearly forgot. Suppliers:

Brigade Games and Hobby Supply, LLP
35 Brookvale Road
Kinnelon, NJ 07405
[email protected]

Impact Minatures
10383 Ringtail Place
Fishers, IN 46038

Jeff Valent Studios
165 Charles Street
Vestal, NY 13850

Lance and Laser Models, Inc.
P.O. Box 14491
Columbus, OH 43214-0941
Fax: (614) 294-5424
[email protected]

United Kingdom

21 Ryegrass Road
Derby, DE21 2TX
01332 678907

Musketeer Miniatures
37 Delfryn
Aberdare, CF44 0TU
United Kingdom


Masquerade Miniaturen
Schützen Str. 17
45731 Waltrop
02309 78 18 2 -6
[email protected]

The Netherlands

Oude Gracht 194
3511 NR Utrecht
The Netherlands
[email protected]
Thank you, Gentlemen-

Roy, Heresy carries ProCreate in the UK:
Just click on Tools and Accessories. You can also email Kraftmark for a dealer near you.

Gary, as far as carving cured ProCtreate, it is a bit easier than the green-it has a more uniform texture, and grinds, sands and files easily, but still holds together well. The green putty tends to "feather" a bit. A lot of people shave the cured green to remove bumps and blemishes- you can use a sharp No. 11 or scapel blade, but you can still get a fuzzy looking texture. The ProCreate seems to need a lot less finishing after curing anyway, so it really isn't as necessary. It also sticks to itself very well, so adding and blending fresh putty on top of a cured or partialy cured base coat is not a problem.

For lubrication, just use a little moisture, with ProCreate as well as green putty. Spit works fine. I also recommend trying soft tip tools such as colourshapers or clay shapers for smoothing the putty.

A 20-25 watt light bulb in a tin can is adequate to accelerate the cure time of both green putty and ProCreate. It is usually safe to handle within about 30 minutes- higher temperatures (above 95°F (32°C) or so) can cause both putties to bubble and deform while curing.

Thought I'd post an update on this product. I tried it several times by itself and in combination with Magicsculpt, making various pieces for the two figures of the 2nd Battalion of the Hampshires, 1915. Frankly, I don't care for it all by itself. But in combination with MS in varying proportions it's outstanding for making parts that require both detail and flexibility. For example, I used Pro-Create at about 40% to 60% MS to make the sunshades worn on the Wolseley pith helmets and on the backs of these two figures. The combination is very flexible. It holds the shape you put it in well and you can impress details into the surfaces without losing them when you flex the piece or change its shape from flat to whatever. I like it much better than Duro in combination with MS and I'll keep buying it.

All the best,

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