Cheers Gary, ive had plenty of time to think about what to do with it, obviously Dr Joy at the museum has a keen interest in it and, from my own perspective, it would be a great honour to have it displayed in the museum. There is also the other thought that there are, to date, 3 manufacturers that are interested in making it a kit. That isnt to say that the museum cant have one, i just dont think that i could paint another one after this. Theres still a lot of work to do, i say work how can it be when its so enjoyable, so there is still time to decide and see how things go. It may be decided that it is too expensive to make it into a kit and that the final cost to purchase the kit would make it prohibitive, although there are armour kits out there that cost into the hundreds, this i think would have a limited following. We will just have to see how things pan out when i get near to completion.