Re-working a classic. Verlinden"s "Arnhem '44"


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A Fixture
Jun 14, 2018
No time like the present. Having just finished these two "straight from the box", I have started the work to change the wounded para into a Dennison smock, add webbing, and change his head. The para carrying him will also see a number of changes, I'm going to change his left arm, more outstretched like you would when carrying a heavy weight.
Perfect timing with this re-working SBS, can I ask what the Green Putty is, I have been using Milliput but it can be brittle when dry and not great for some things, I also find that there can be a fair bit of sanding and carving to try and create nice smooth folds in clothing etc.
Hi Terry. Im using the blue/green stuff on the right for sculpting. No idea what it's called, the local hobby shop sells it in strips like that. You cut of what you need, and knead it until its evenly green. It works well, and stays workable for a few hours, to shape and smooth folds and detail. I use Squadron Green Putty for filling gaps etc. It's not so great for sculpting though.
Thanks for coming back with this, I have the Blue/Green putty and I haven't had much success with using it, I suspect that it has maybe been stored near heat in the shop and lost its quality as when mixed it is a very dark green, not very easy to mold into shape and it doesn't dry completely hard, it certainly doesn't look anything like the result that you have got.
I will go to Games Workshop (think they sell it and buy some fresh of the self.
Looking forward to seeing your progress with this Verlinden.
The Grren putty in ribbons is the old DURO from way back now called Greenstuff.Best thing to do is cut it and remove a small section as the two putties touch and so.are curing.The Green mixes well with Miliput and also Magic sculp.Many sculptors use these two epoxies mixed together.Milliput is ok when you are used to it.Try mixing white Milliput and Black Milliput together.Its a nice blend.
Happy putty pushing guys.
I use both, but prefer Miliput for most stuff.
Greenstuff is excellent for flags and coat tails and can be rolled out into really thin sheets . It also remains slightly flexible when cured which is handy for 'sticky out bits' that might otherwise snap off when snagged. If you visit many of the figure shows you'll find Graham Sutch demonstrating sculpting with it and he is a great advocate of the stuff and always happy to give you a few pointers.
I have several lengths of miliput which I bought years ago, and used for my armour/diorama stuff like sandbags and vehicle stowage. I admit that I never really got the hang of working with it and didn't persevere (I used white and iirc yellow), and it's been in storage for years. Does it have a shelf life? I'll have to try it again. I also need to get some metal wire, as I'm planning on re-shaping the arm. What wire do people use for armature?
I use grey green Milliput for everything and the Duro/Greenstuff for detail stuff like cap badges, insignia, etc. I know there are a lot of folks out there who swear by other putties, but Milliput does all I need - I get through a pack every couple of weeks! For the cost of it, Id bin the old Milliput and get some new stuff.

As for armature wire, I use thin brazing rods, the wire from armoured electrical conduit, copper wire from cooker cable, in fact, anything that comes to hand that is the right thickness for the scale Im working in!!(y)
I've cut away the left pocket of the blouse, to add an ammo pouch. This is the pouch that is originally for the carrying para, but hell get another one with a 2" mortar bomb sticking out of it. I've added the base of the webbing attached to the pouch, this will be detailed later. I've tried to add the buckles that attach the cross straps to the belt, with mixed result... . The left one is okish, but I think I'll redo the one on the right.
I'm almost starting to miss armour building, where you can simply cover mistakes with mud.....
The basics shapes are there so just a bit of fine tuning or try cutting the buckles out of thin plastic card for a sharper shape although that might prove to be fiddly, but this is were experimentation and learning comes in.
Yes, I need to get creative again. I used to do a fair bit of scratch building for armour and dios, and had a huge amount of bits and pieces which I collected from anywhere and anything. Unfortunately all that went into storage k when I moved onto a boat,( but that's another story ) and I've pretty much started from scratch since I moved in with my fiancé.
I've removed the patches from the wounded paras left sleeve, and reshaped the cuff to resemble a 2nd pattern one with the standard tab and buttons. That has also created a bit more realistic iundercut. Not something Verlinden ever worried about...

Henk, One of my favorite Verlinden kits! Like what you are doing with the wounded paratrooper.(y) Look forward to seeing it's completion in the days to come! Thanks for sharing! Terry Martin-member of the Atlanta Military Figure Society
Thanks Terry. It'll be a bit longer than "a few days", I only get to work on my figures a few hours a week, because I work away most of the week.

Today I've finished the broad shape of the smock, I'll leave that to dry before I add the smaller details like seams etc and tidy up little gaps and such. Next will be the right arm, blend the gaps and add some bunched up folds to simulate the extra cloth compared with the battle dress blouse.

Thanks guys.

Do you have this set Tony? It's hard to come by now, I found on last year, and I was lucky to pick up another two a few weeks ago. For sensible money I mean. I've seen one on fleabay for over a hundred quid, in a sealed box...
Another year, another new beginning.. we've recently moved to a new flat, and I now have a room to myself, and after a lot of upheaval, I have gotten back at the bench. Here is some progress o the paras.

the helmet needs a bit more work, but will mostly be covered by scrim. The chin strap needs a lot more work yet.
Hi Henk

Thought I had missed this first time but great to see the figures back on the new bench in the new flat

Never been able to get on with the blue and yellow strips ...but learning a lot after reading the comment from others and you here

Look forward to more updates when possible

Happy new benchtime

Cheers Nap. I'm glad to be back at the bench.
I quite like the Green Stuff, but then again, my only other experience is with Milliput, which I didnt like for intricate sculpting. I found that it either was to "dry", and couldn't work it, or after wetting my tools, became a bit like wet clay, and wouldn't hold shape. Time for more practice I think...

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