Good evening!
Thanks to some talented sculptors and their recent new jobs, I have decided to replace part of my grey army (instead of accumulate) and I am planning to offer a large amount of "sleeping" figures to those more willing to paint them soon.
The first one is a stunning Red Lancer from Charles Conrad.
It's an OOP beautifully made figure in new condition. It misses the lance (just the wooden part of the lance, see the top part inside a bag) and the chapska cords.
Not sure what I should request for it, considering it is an OOP and large scale (1/10)
, but I am open to listen to any suggestion.
Thank you and kind regards,
Thanks to some talented sculptors and their recent new jobs, I have decided to replace part of my grey army (instead of accumulate) and I am planning to offer a large amount of "sleeping" figures to those more willing to paint them soon.
The first one is a stunning Red Lancer from Charles Conrad.
It's an OOP beautifully made figure in new condition. It misses the lance (just the wooden part of the lance, see the top part inside a bag) and the chapska cords.
Not sure what I should request for it, considering it is an OOP and large scale (1/10)
Thank you and kind regards,