Black Army
A Fixture
Beautiful figure and nice woden mosaics. Really it's very real wood, I like this, and of course the figure too 
Best regards,

Best regards,
Dear Ernest i think hat so far the figure goes pretty nice . I though have a small od notice on the shield as the shading and highlighting on the blue color at least on the pictures looks a little bit of 3 stripe colored . I mean that that to my eyes the transition of the lower dark part to the medium base color and to the upper left highlighted has visible ;ine of change . I think that some controlled washes of the mid tone between the colors that join in the transition would solve the isssue (if of course there is an issue to your eyes also !!)
other than this the designs are nice and i am sure it will end a masterclass as usual
Hi Ernest
Please tell me that is Salma Hayek on your avatar, damn what a good looking lady she is
As for Norelys...well she is not beautiful, she is not nice, she is not hot ..sheis just PERFECT!!!!!