Roman Solider with Neopolitan Mastiff 75mm


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This is a fabulous piece and just my 'sort of thing.' Looking at the link it costs $65 plus post.

It says (paid) pre-orders are now being taken as they are in the process of being cast at the moment. Given the recent 'Dance of Death' saga with punters paying for stuff which is still being cast however, I think I shall hold back until it is up on their site and available for immediate dispatch.

As I said, a great figure and the perfect scale (for me) of 75mm.

Interesting piece, like the dog but the Helmet is very poor sculpted

Whilst subjective, the figure's 'Montefortino' style helmet (this looks like that's what it is intended to be to me anyway?) looks very well represented TBH. It was a simple copy of the Gaul style helmet which the Roman's used through the republic to early empire era. If you look at originals in museums, they are almost like a bowl in shape, there is hardly any 'lip' protecting the neck and the cheek guards are just plain pressed metal. These helmets were nothing like the later 'Imperial' type helm which were slightly more ornate, had larger cheek guards and also a much deeper and wider neck protector.

Each to their own but I don't see a problem with this sculpted helmet.

Whilst subjective, the figure's 'Montefortino' style helmet (this looks like that's what it is intended to be to me anyway?) looks very well represented TBH. It was a simple copy of the Gaul style helmet which the Roman's used through the republic to early empire era. If you look at originals in museums, they are almost like a bowl in shape, there is hardly any 'lip' protecting the neck and the cheek guards are just plain pressed metal. These helmets were nothing like the later 'Imperial' type helm which were slightly more ornate, had larger cheek guards and also a much deeper and wider neck protector.

Each to their own but I don't see a problem with this sculpted helmet.


Cheers Gary, thanks for the information(y) , but doesn't change anything for me, still think that is very poorly sculpted
a Coolus than a Montefortino, no crest holder

This is an example of a late Montefotino, also no crest holder. Looks like there are many style variations.

(source: Wikipedia, License: Commons)

US$ 65.00 plus US$6.99 shipping to the UK.

Not cheap - but hopefully it'll be worth it.

I now await delivery with baited breath :hungry:.

Anyone else bought one?

- Steve
Not yet but it is on my list, looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

I'll pass on my first impressions when it arrives Steve. Assuming that no-one beats me to it with an in-depth review.

- Steve
If you intended to produce a Montefortino helmet (, the design is fine. This dates the legionary as being Republican rather than Augustan. The correct shield for the Republican era would have a central spine and curved ends ( republican shield.html). The shield however is clearly 1st century AD. It should take little work to convert the helmet to a Coolus type to match the shield being carried (

Very nicely animated and sculpted.


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