Samurai "Seige at Osaka" - 90mm Pegaso Vignette


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One other thing... you used the handle of an old paint brush to hold
the armor pcs. Did you just use blue-tack on the end ?
Micro Mark makes these little toothpick like things that they use for
the dental profession and I was thinking about buying some.
Just wonder what you used.

I also have some of the Micro-Mark pics but these are too heavy for the pics. I used a drop of epoxy on the end of each paintbrush handle to hold the armor firmly while I painted them. Once they were done and dry I simply popped them off the end of the handle.
Final stages

Several days were spent attaching the rest of the Ronin parts. The head was attached followed by the scabbard before I put the arms on. I use a 2 part epoxy for each joint and mix for one joint at a time.

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After the scabbard was attached I started on the arms and after each arm was attached I attached the shoulder armor.

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Now we see below all the parts attached to the Samurai. many things left to do yet and these little touch-ups and outlining will take another several days. The chest emblem was left to last and will be painted on next.

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Below are some close-ups of the upper portion of the Ronin.

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Now its on to cleaning up the second Samurai!

All comments welcomed.

Thanks... I always think of super glue or expoxy as never being
able to get anything off once its attatched to it. I will try that though
on some small parts that I paint.

Thanks Mark,
I used Humbrol Ivory for the handle with a Humbrol Chocalate wash followed by dry-brushing it back with Ivory. It made the detail of the handle jump out. The blade is Humbrol Gun metal with a black wash followed by dry-brushing with Floquil Old Silver. The cutting portion of the blade needs to be sanded ever so lightly back to the bare metal (haven't done that yet) then coated with clear flat. I'll show some more pics after the touch-ups and chest emblem is done.
The Ronin is finished except for mounting to the base which will come when the second Samurai is complete. The emblem on the chest has been added as well as the chest armor plates outlined. The blood on the sword will get some additional splatters too.

Fin Ronin 1.jpg Fin Ronin 4.jpg

Fin Ronin 6.jpg Fin Ronin 2.jpg

Fin Ronin 5.jpg

All comments welcomed

"Seige at Osaka"
Part II

Samurai Warrior
with Naginata
Pegaso 90-037

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The collector wanted the Diego Ruina version (box art for Pegaso) used for the painting reference for the second Samurai depicted in the battle of Osaka.

The second part of this vignette begins with the clean-up and preparation of Pegaso's Samurai Warrior with Naginata. The clean-up and removal of all seam lines went much better than the first Samurai and the seam lines were not as heavy.

Second 03.JPG

After the clean-up of all parts I determined the painting secquence to be done and started the preparation for priming and painting. The legs were assembled with 2 part epoxy and fastened to the stock base. I am using the stock base for both figures as the finished wood base does not have the thickness needed for pegging the figures to the base as I usually do.

Second 04.JPG

Above I have set up two jigs to fasten each plate of armor (12 pieces) so the armor can be painted prior to assembly. I mix the epoxy after determining where each is to be attached on the back side of the armor and place the old paint brush holder into the mix and placing it into the clamp. This way I do not have to hold each piece for 5+ minutes and can do two at a time.

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Above are all the armor plates fastened to paint sticks and placed into a work tray to await priming and then painting.

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I use the back of old business cards to mix my epoxy and as you can see above, there were quite a few mixes needed for the preparation stage.

Second 09.JPG

The smaller parts were fastened to tooth picks and set into an old base I use for this purpose. Next comes the priming and then the base coating of all parts.

More to come

Thanks Marc. Some of the ways I handle painting small parts have been learned over the years. Just wanted to pass them along to help others.
This is probably the slowest part of painting the Samurai's. Base coating everything 2 coats before we start the blending & shading & and washes.

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I use a computer monitor extension table to elevate the figure closer to the eyes and also reduce the hour after hour bending over doing small detail work. When painting bead work on Indians this is my primary tool to get the items I am painting closer to me.

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The platform clamps to the side of my desk and will extend to the middle of the desk.

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Once I am finished painting the platform will contract and can be swiveled around further from this photo to allow complete use of the whole desk.

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Above is my "Technical Advisor", Cato the cat who waits on the floor constantly meowing until I let her up on the desk where she scrutinizes everything. Cato is a peculiar cat and as Jay knows, if you don't pet her just right.....she takes a bite out of crime.

The monitor platform is a great way to relieve strain
on the neck,back and eyes-Fantastic idea!
I also think it's pretty clever the way Cato can operate the shutter release at just the right time to capture herself at her best.
Thanks Marc & Mark. The platform was found while looking through a garage sale in Annapolis, Maryland years ago. Paid $5 for it and knew right away what I was going to use it for. I had another lighter version that I used to use it for my reference books with a book holder on the top of the platform. Since buying the flat screen monitor I now have the reference right in front of me.
Progress is slow on this figure due to the high amount of detail that needs to be painted. I spent about 2 days working on the head and next is the helmet. They have to be done separately due to the complexity of the painting. The helmet ribs were each undercoated Humbrol chocolate and await the brass on top.

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I am working on the detail of the legs and have finished the rope around the sandals and the red leather color of the armor. As you can see the left legs has the brass detail painted and the right does not yet. All the areas to be painted brass were first undercoated with Humbrol chocolate.

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Below is the work tray used to keep all the parts I am currently working on as well as the paints. Each day I can remove the tray after painting to have more desk room.

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Before I start a figure I download all the reference photos I will use and enlarge them to fit my computer screen that is located right in front of my painting area. This gives me larger than life reference right in front where I am working.

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All comments welcomed.

Damn Guy, go to bed! HA! Great work so far, hope check on progress "in the flesh" soon. And NO I won't pet you Cato..............

Jay H.