A Fixture
So Gaudin, what is YOUR military history? Do you have any idea of which you speak concerning the Sergeant or are you just another liberal parroting the party line? I am sick to death of those who have been protected by those who serve expecting the servicemen to be treated like every other idiot on the planet. No one wants to see gun violence anywhere, but sticking up for that judge shows that you are part of the problem. These guys have an experience base that DEMANDS a bit of consideration. DAMN ONE GLOCK being a threat. Take his damned weapon away and tell him "bad soldier, think next time". The military ain't corporate. You don't want guns on your streets--again no one does--DON'T OWN ONE. JC on a crutch but the lily-livered get more air time than a platoon of SAS WHO HAVE DONE THE JOB. Excuse me but I have to go puke.
Well said Steve,
The SAS guy is no "nut with a gun" I just hope public opinion helps to get him cleared and released from clink and returned to his rightful post asap..... the justice system is total crap in the U.K. and I think that if anybody should be given a court marshall it should be the bloody Judge!