And what would you be saying if the news said: "SAS soldier hero suffering from PTSD shoots children in local school with a pistol brought from Iraq " instead?
We would of course be outraged - but that's not what happened is it? Pointless indulging in what-iffery really.
Why? Well I also possess a potentially lethal weapon. It's called a car. So
"what if" - during my divorce-induced period of stress & depression some years back - I'd have got inside it and deliberately ploughed into a crowded bus-stop, killing and injuring several? You would, I'd wager, have been very annoyed and rightly so. But as I didn't do that, the question doesn't arise.
I also possess a set of very sharp and potentially lethal kitchen knives. I could have gone on a rampage with them as well (or instead of). But I didn't - so no harm done.
Now I'm not saying that gun restrictions should be abolished and we should all have guns in our houses in a wild west-style firearms free-for-all. And yes I do understand that guns are (for the most part) "illegal" while kitchen knives and cars are "legal" - even though someone killed by a knife or a car is every bit as dead as someone killed by a gun.
What I am saying is that the punishment here seems to have been way in excess of the "crime". Especially given the circumstances, and especially when you consider that people have been received lesser sentences (or been spared jail altogether) for serious crimes
including firerams possession, along with drug dealing and violent assault. For a few examples see here:
Here ...
Here ...
Here ...
Here ...
Here ...
Here ..."
And my personal favourite ...
There are plenty of other examples, but I'm sure you get the idea. Perhaps in this case some form of non-judicial or administrative punishment (fined a month's pay for example), or a suspended sentence would have been more appropriate, especially in view of the knock-on effect on the bloke's family.
Derek Bird in West Cumbria as an example didnt need much of a trigger to flip.
This isn't Derek Bird we're talking about. And this guy didn't "flip". So irrelevant really (see above).
Also - how many of these Glocks brought by our soldier hero's as a "souvenier", go to black market and end up killing people in Manchester or London?
No idea. Could be hundreds. Could be a handful. Could be none at all. Do you know?
Anyone (soldier or civilian) found out to be supplying guns on the black market should of course be hauled before the courts. But once again, that's not what happened here is it?
Jail may be extreme but judge may have had a good reason to justify it - these things arent done " because I fancy it today".
Really?? You sure about that?! Judges have it within their power to pass sentences up to a certain amount of jail time / monetary fine etc. Within those parameters they have discretion to pass sentence as they see fit, or to hand down a "suspended".
I also hope that law is same for all.
Well it's supposed to be in theory. But sadly it often isn't in practice.
- Steve