A Fixture
I recently finished this 54mm Saxon from Latorre, painted with acrylics. I started him about five months ago (WIP thread over in vBench), but I dragged my feet trying to finish the base. I wanted to do something a little different from the basic dirt/woods scene. So I created an interior scene, a home or tavern that he's broken into on a raid. I used the supporting beam to imply a building so I didn't have to add a wall that would block the view of the figure. I then created some broken furniture and put some debris (plate, cup, some coins) to make it look like there has been a fight. Just like the figure, the base got a bunch of weathering (mud - pigments + matte medium, dust/dirt - dry pigments, and blood splatter - tamiya clear red) to help tell the story. The figure itself was a lot of fun to work on, fantastic sculpt with a lot of great texture.
The kit comes with two left hands, either a second ax or a shield. I picked the shield so I could do some design work (the wolves are based on some artifacts - the sutton hoo purse cover with some elements borrowed from a pictish stone carving of a wolf). However the sculpt for the shield was a little plain, so before painting I used some milliput to add the tears in the covering and add the wrap around edge on the other side.

The kit comes with two left hands, either a second ax or a shield. I picked the shield so I could do some design work (the wolves are based on some artifacts - the sutton hoo purse cover with some elements borrowed from a pictish stone carving of a wolf). However the sculpt for the shield was a little plain, so before painting I used some milliput to add the tears in the covering and add the wrap around edge on the other side.