SCAHMS question


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Hi folks;

I was discussing some possible travel plans with the missus, and was confronted with a small problem that hopefully some of the members can help me solve.

I wanted to go to either the MMSI show in Chicago, or return to the SCAHMS show in California, usually held in March. Part of the problem is that the SCAHMS people have had their site down for a while for reconstruction, and information regarding this year's show is therefore unavailable.

So, if anyone knows if the good people in California are planning on having their annual show this year, could they let me know? If for some reason, they have decided to give the exhibition a miss this year, then I'll go to Chicago instead. Thanks everyone. :)

Absolutely we are having the SCAHMS Show in March! Without the show, there wouldn't be a club!

The dates are March 17 and 18, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Orange (same venue as the previous 4 years).

We're still putting together the program, but right now, we expect to have a sizeable contingent from Europe once again at our show. We also may have 3 seminars this year, if we can fit them all in.

It's shaping up to be a great show. Hope to see you here.

Whoo hoo! I am there! I hope I am correct in assuming the doubletree will be offering the same show rate as last year? In any case, rest assured I will have my room and flight booked by the end of September. Thanks for getting back to me Barry.