Scale grass tufts?


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A Fixture
Mar 15, 2012
London, UK
Does anybody know where I can get larger scale grass tufts (for 54mm, 90mm, 1/8 etc) for groundwork - ideally in the UK? I've ordered a few advertised as XLL and they always turn out too small.
I'm looking for something more this size

Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 11.16.51.png
El Greco do it, but I can remember what it's called or who makes it.
I've got some but I binned the label.
Sorry I can't be anymore help,
Wait until Haloween and go to Asda's. I picked up a kids broomstick for £2.50 it had 18 inch long strands of the same material (I dont know what it is called). You pay about £6.00 for a small packet of the stuff.

Book your next holiday close to a Mediterranean beach and pick up some balls of dried seaweed that lie there in their thousands. Sorry, can't post pictures now, but it's the material Fernando Ruiz uses in his painting tutorial (see thread under specials on PF). I have used it on my US GI, see my vBench.
The big seaweed balls yield tall grass and I love this stuff, as it captures the natural looks very well, I think.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks for the info and advice. It does look like I'll need to make my own tufts if I want them large enough and now I know where to go for the materials.

Many thanks for the info and advice. It does look like I'll need to make my own tufts if I want them large enough and now I know where to go for the materials.


Hi sippog,
I use a natural mix of horse and hog hair as used in upholstery, I got a carrier bag full off ebay for about £6. I used it on this and it has had no paint applied yet but takes acrylic just fine.
Crikey! .. a bit quick to give up the search! .. Try Anything from 4mm to 18mm

Thanks, I did look at them earlier but their minimum 9.25 Euro shipping charge for 1 item makes it uneconomic unless I really wanted to stock up. However I have ordered some stuff from Celine and treated myself to some Hudson & Allen dry grass. Meantime, Robert Dyas do a duster for 1.99 which looks promising - long synthetic, strands of fine 'hair'.:happy:
Excellent! . you got what you wanted!.. Happy days!..... I did not realise you were looking for smaller amounts! .. but when I see something I like, then, ... as you said, I do tend to ' Stock up'


I purchased some of the Fredricus Rex grass tufts, they were ok, but then came across the mini natur range at El Greco, which in my opinion are much better and are more reasonable priced.

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