Scratchbuilt Marine 1836


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Here's what's done on the M1816 musket. I have to build a frizzen and flash pan and complete the cock (trigger).
Hey Gary!

Very nice work there, I especially love the weapons. I know how big of a pain they are and you've done a great job of it!! Looking forward to see the rest of the figure emerge from the putty :)
Originally posted by garyjd@Dec 10 2003, 12:34 PM
The right arm started out like the left with the folds being worked in with various shaped files, a round, oval, and triangular one being used for most of the work. The weapons are still under construction but are close to being done.~Gary

Your figure looks great! (y)

I really love the fold detail on the sleeve. So let me get this right... you basically rough in the entire form of the clothing, let it dry and then carve out the folds? Do you draw or mark them in first? I've done all the folds on my clothing by pushing putty or using a toothpick and I'm not really happy with the results - looks like they were put in with a toothpick. <_< How do you get them to come out so smooth and natural looking? The transitions are fantastic!

Again - looking good, and I appreciate greatly all the help you have given me and the rest of the forum. Keep up the good work! (y) (y)

-jim cox
Very nice Gary. The weapons are especially well done. How many seperate pieces will this break down to? Kit-engineering is especially fascinating to me.
Hi Gary
Every aspect of the work looks terrific, the weapons especialy,
having heard from other sculptors how difficult they can be.

Looking at the figure can you tell me what material the "Orange area"
is as it seems to help define one area whilst working on another.

Thanking you in advance

Frank (y)
To answer a few queastions.

Most of the figure was sculpted with Sculpey III. The stuff I used comes in one of the small packaged colors, this one is sweet ppotato. the arms are A&B putty and some plastic stock was used for the details and weapons.

All of the folds were made with the files. It's best to pencil in lines here and there so the nature and direction of the folds and wrinkles are accurate. The final polishing was done with very fine steel wool.

The figure, including accessories breaks down into about 10 pieces.~Gary
Guys, I thought I would take some pics of the Marine as once it's done it'll go in the mail for acceptance from the manufacturer. I will be sending out the musket for copies as the left hand cannot be sculpted until I have a resin casting to put it on. While I'm waiting the remaining bits will be completed.

uniform buttons
shako pom pom
buckles on cartridge box
sword and bayonet frog
bayonet scabbard
completion of groundwork base (under construction)

You'll notice a lot of A&B putty has been added where corrections and or improvements neeeded to be made. One that stands out is the resculpting of the right arm. Version 1 on the left had way too many folds for a wool sleeve, and would not have worked with the corrections made to the right shoulder. Version 2 works much better.~Gary


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Here is the figure taken basically from the angle of the Horan figure which this is based.


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*****Awesome*****That is a beautiful figure Gary.........hope the mfg accepts it as I haven't done one like this since Series 77 came out with theirs.......and he is lonely in the showcase Please let us know if and when he will go into production
Hi Gary!

Could see this coming, and glad its nearly ready to go!
Very informative sbs and the photo at the same angle as Horan's shows what an incredible job you've done. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I've got a few thousand here in this latest set!

Bloomin' marvelous!!

(y) (y)


Guy, Thanks a lot, it's been a lot of work. The members at Planet Figure played a big part too, the feedback really was a great help.~Gary

One for the road.


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Rob, Thanks my friend. It's one of the few things I've done that I'm really excited about. I also need to say that Mike Stelzel made a few suggestions and these really improved the figure, thanks Mike.~Gary

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