Scratchbuilt Marine 1836


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Gary , nice work. I especially admire the neatness of it all. I say so since I am rather messy when I work. But it does work for me so what the heck

stephen Mallia
Simply Outstanding Gary! (y) (y) (y)

I've cut back a lot on buying new figures, but this is a must have. Hope it is released soon.

Also want to thank you for the many in-progress pics and commentaries. They are not only informative but an inspiration to this wanna-be (that good some day). You sculpters on this site set the bar high.

-jim cox
Stephen & Jim, Thanks. I'm glad you find the photos helpful. It's all part of a process that gets easier (okay, not all the time) with each piece. Each subject has it's challenges, sometimes things that you would think are the easiest to do become the most difficult. It's nice to see so many trying their hand at scratchbuilding. I've been doing this since I was 14 and enjoy every (got me again, maybe not every minute) minute of it. I'll let everyone know the figure's status once the manufacturer makes a decision.~Gary

Thanks for sharing with us (y)

these 'worklogs' are such an immense source of teaching and inspiration, do keep us informed on the next one

I have painted several figures/bust that you have sculpted and I have to say I can see another one coming my way! I also, will be glad to have him in the display for future reference on folds and etc.!

Great Job! (y) (y)

Hey Gary!

Excellent! This is a great figure and I like the refinements that you have done, seam to work a lot better. I know how bad you want this figure to get done! Keep plowing away at it though, looks super!
Simply AWESOME Gary!!!!!! Your work is an inspiration to all of us that "push putty". Can't wait to see whats next. Thanks for sharing your sbs pic's.
Guys, thanks for all the kind words. I spent more time on this than I hoped for, but the corrections and other fixes hopefully just made it a better figure.~Gary
So, if I understand correctly, this is a 120mm figure and it's the intention to make this available as a kit...?

Well, in that case I would like to pre-order a couple. (y)

Gary, that's an excellent figure, your "clean" sculpting style on this figure and the correct anatomy remind me somewhat of a David Grieve figure . Now that's a huge compliment, but you really deserve it for this figure. (y) (y) (y)

Look forward to buying a kit of this one !!!
Johan, Wow! thanks for the compliment, I admire Mr. Grieve's work very much. The quality of the sculpting we now see is at times mind boggling, and I'm always concerned about beeing able to keep pace with what's being done. The master has to get accepted by the manufacturer first, so cross your fingers. :) Thank you again. ~Gary
Hi Gary

I can't see it being rejected , a lovely figure me thinks I will be aprting with some of my hard earned for one.


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