Here are a few very quick shots of my Sherlock and the Hound. I still have a few small details to finish but just wanted to show you that I have been working on something. Again any comments welcomed.
Thanks very much for the kind comments. You don't know how I appreciate it because I was not totally happy with the way it turned out. I do think it looks better in person and I will try to post a few better pictures soon. One thing that I did like is the eyes on the hound. You can't really see it from these pictures but they are a glowing red. My friend Bill Chilstrom told me a trick he had done on his wizard and I gave it a try. What I did was paint the eyes a chrome silver and then put on a coat of Tamyia clear red. The effect is pretty cool.
Thanks again for the kind comments and all the help while he was being sculpted.
1- From my childhood recollections of the book, the Hound should be more 'monstrous' than this. It was a 'hound from Hell', remember? Maybe I was more easily impressed then
2- Concerning the composition of the scene, I think it would have a greater impact if you've 'cropped' tighter to the action.
IMO, there's too much scenery which serves nothing but to distract the viewer's eye from the action. As it's often the case, less is more.
... My friend, what are you going to say when within six months I'll have put your wonderful Apache on a large base with rocks, a desert buzzard on a cactus, and a roadrunner chasing a diamondback between the rocks ? (No, don't tell me you'll say "beep beep" :lol: ) In some cases depicting some of the "environment" can be very interesting - just a personal opinion of course. And I'd love to know how Joe did those rocks and that tree!
I seem to remember that at the end it came out that the dog was just a big dog which they had painted with some stuff that glowed in the dark - hence the ghostly effect. Great movie!
When I said 'too much scenery', I was talking about the composition of the scene. I've prepared a Photoshop document to make my point. Too bad I can't post it here (Workshop). Will create another topic in Sculpting and post it there.
Now I'm just thinking aloud here - hope I'll be forgiven for that. But if instead of Sherlock and the hound, you had a mountain man and a puma (or do you say "mountain lion"?), wouldn't that be great too?
Sorry for going slightly off topic here for a moment.