Should I be pissed off?


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Staff member
Jun 27, 2009
Brussels Belgium
Don't want to keep you all from concentrating on preparing for Christmas meals and putting weird birds or other game in the oven, but one question bothers me. This morning I discovered that a photo of my Greeny Ahn NKVD bust was displayed on a FB page I have no connection with at all, without mentioning the source of the photo, nor the names of sculptor and painter. I understand FB and privacy are not going hand in hand and yes, I had shared the photo with a group. Nevertheless copying without giving credits is a kind of stealing IMO. I'd be glad to hear your opinions on this, after we have all digested the Christmas feast and sobered up of course!
In the meantime: Cheers, Proost, Gezondheid, Santé, skoll, prost, kampai, salud,На здоровье!
Well........ in theory you are right. I can imagine I would feel pissed too. Unfortunately not everyone shares the same ethical prinicipals. Some people appear to have none at all. But it is beyond our control isn't it?

Could happen to me too. I am on Pinterest and have a board on miniatures. I collect pictures of figures from everywhere and put them on the board. A lot of them can be attributed to their sculptor or painter and are therefore instantly recognizable. For example: one can never overlook Bill Horan's style . However I will always mention the source of the picture.

In what context was the pic of your model used? Did someone pretend to have painted it?


In what context was the pic of your model used? Did someone pretend to have painted it?

Hi Paul,

The pic was simply used to beef up their FB page I presume, they even put up photos of Pepa Saavedra's breathtaking work without crediting her, so maybe I should feel flattered? It's the page of some small model society in Liege, Belgium, but strange enough, they do credit their own work, which is not breathtaking by the way, but the pics of other people's work they glean from the internet is shown without any caption or credit! On second thought it happens all the time, there's a site Pinturas de Guerra (paintings of war) that shows paintings of artists like Peter Dennis without given any credit, not to speak of copyrights which may be involved. I'd hate to put my name squarely on every pic I put on the web, as I just want to share my work and the pleasure I derive from it with fellow figure painters. I feel the figure oriented FB groups are definitely no substitute for this forum of ours!
Once it's out there, that's it Pierre it belongs to the cosmos unfortunately....I've had images of my work which I've given one site permission to use after they politely requested, only to see it go from there to many sites all over the internet.
It's a problem that many artists and photographers have to deal with daily.....our art is no different of course.
Modelling sites should be very aware of appropriate recognition though.
But I think the overwhelming scale and appetite of the creature that is the internet as well as basic human behaviour will always mean that art of any kind will always be consumed anonymously and traded at will unfortunately.
There are simple watermarks which are easy to apply.....maybe look at putting a watermark on your work.
Hmmm..................... maybe it should be pointed out to them (the chaps from Liège)? And its worse then the bloody Plague.


Hallo Piet,

Ik zou die mannen van Luik is aanschrijven. Luik en Zolder liggen niet zover uit elkaar. Als je weet waar ze club houden ze je ook persoonlijk kunnen gaan en onder het genot van een lekker biertje is van mening kunnen wisselen.
Misschien zijn ze ook in Ransart.....

De beste wensen voor jou en je famillie

I was going say exactly the same mate.
I can imagine I would feel pissed too

In English, being 'pissed' means being drunk. Being 'pissed off' means being cheesed off, hacked off, upset etc.!

"Two countries divided by a common language" (George Bernard Shaw)?!

Happy Xmas,

In English, being 'pissed' means being drunk. Being 'pissed off' means being cheesed off, hacked off, upset etc.!

"Two countries divided by a common language" (George Bernard Shaw)?!

Happy Xmas,

Yes Mike I am aware of the difference between being 'pissed' and being 'pissed off'.

I forgot to type the word 'off'.

Are you the headmaster around here;) ?


Anyone who has shared a picture from Osprey, text from a book or the like is guilty of the same thing. Nobody has ever taken a picture off this site that they admired to use as a guide for their own work?......of course they asked permission to do so. :D

Welcome to the internet
If you post anything in the internet, it will end up in google search. I had posted some pictures of my finished figures in planetfigure and it ends up in google search.
Nothing you can do about it unless you put copyright on every pictures you post or don't post anything at all. Relax and enjoy life and paint more figures. There aren't too many 10 years in one's life.
Welcome to the internet
If you post anything in the internet, it will end up in google search. I had posted some pictures of my finished figures in planetfigure and it ends up in google search.
Nothing you can do about it unless you put copyright on every pictures you post or don't post anything at all.
Of course one can not escape a search engine, but my point is deliberately copying, by a human being as I expect the people of Liege to be, without acknowledging the source or authors is quite different from being "sucked up" in a search engine. But I figure that to be used in the same way as a paint sorceress like Pepa Saveedra and other monuments of the hobby should boost my ego!
For several months I have watched Pintrest grow into a superb source of uniform detail so much so that I have stopped downloading stuff myself-why duplicate what is already there? Although the original source is sometimes quoted very often it is just another forum or site and rarely an artist. I have wondered about copyright on this site but concluded that once you put something on the net it goes into common ownership. Regardless of legality if you put it out there you are fair game.

I'm not condoning it but it just seems to be a fact of life.
My images have been copied from my website and used which I was upset with at first
I now think the other way, why should you be able to use google images to find pics but no one else can. This goes for the same as pinterest, why should they be able to have all the images, all that's doing is giving these companies more power than they already have.
I now think and some won't agree but if you can find it on google images than you can use it as well. The way I see it now is, don't put it out there if you don't want people to use it or do a nice mostly see through watermark on all your images, at least than people know who's it is or what website to go to.

I could ask the same question about the figure shows forum
If someone goes to the show and takes pics of all the models and then posts them on a website or their website does that make them a bad person. I have done this
What if they love 1 diorama at a show and take 20 pics of it and posts it here does that make them wrong.

I had my model from a local show printed in the a tamiya model magazine , they never asked me if they could do it and I never agreed with the model show organizes that they could do it either. I think the Internet has changed a lot of things, so watermark is the only way I can think of.

And here is AUS now I am pissed and I am pissed off can both mean the same thing

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