A Fixture
You're dead right Carl, the point I was trying to ,clumsily, make is that we can only judge people by their actions not by what wee soldiers they paint. Can I also apologise if you thought I was referring to you individually, I know nothing of your collection (other than what you post) or interests or indeed what you celebrate. My concern is purely on an abstract and philosophical level.Del I also agree paint what you like. However you say it would concern you the collections of genocidal maniacs ... Hitler ? My collection has alot of Germans in it, SS soldiers ( not committing war crimes or genocide I might add ) does that give you concern and how do you determine I paint these purely out of historical interest and not to celebrate their actions ?!! As you put it ? I'm all for history but again my point is keep the anti German, SS, he's a murderer comments out of threads that ask critique etc ..
I'm sure this thread is heading in the wrong direction. It's simple I'm not asking anything else, keep the crap comments out or not ?!
Basically if a painter likes painting black leather and/or is interested in WWII then go for it and let the rest of us confine our comments to technical was a yes vote from me