Why are we here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A common
passion for military modelling, painting, sculpting, converting, military research, knowledge, advice, tips, tricks, forming friendships, the social side on here, club meets, modelling with a buddy and meeting up shows, swapping common interests, advice, sharing and a free forum to share with the world your subject of
It is a big family my brothers and not everyone in every family gets on, that's just life, my own family are included in that.
Passion can explode into many forms of expression, I include humour in this which can also be misconstrued, sometimes it's just a case of reading between the lines.
Sometimes it's just taking one on the chin. Not a release (although have did change something because of feedback) but a project of mine, I sculpted Capt. Lord Beresford on horseback, my post was put up, he won't mind me mentioning his name, but Gaudin drew all over the photo and posted it back. There were some many errors in what I done I was glad to take the hit, the pliers came out and I was back to a wire armature. Thanks mate for being so direct, honest and helpful, I now know what he is like first hand and the
passion he has. What I mean by the former is Gaudin and we are friends has a
real passion for anatomical and military accuracy and if need be, debating any grey issues in pursuit of this. I single him out, but we all are like that on here.
I agree that research can be very frustrating and time consuming, as previously stated after 1850 it becomes a bit easier due to photograph's. I have even read dress regulations to nail down points for my own benefit, is that rivet counting or just looking for accuracy. There is a wealth of knowledge on here and I have been asked on quite a few occasions to help people out from all around the world with research and I was happy to do it. There is a free willing resource on here why not use it and benefit from it.
I did not let any cats out of any bags on up and coming projects, I have even seen projects scrapped that you have never seen after putting a weeks research in. I'm sure there is a lot of other people who do the same, because of their
I have purchased kits, with slight errors and not commented on them, sometimes I have, probably because I know I can fix them because of my
passion for the subject.
I have used this word
passion liberally in this post and people have left and joined this site because of that word, but that word, before it's expressed should be accompanied by a few others. We all have the right of free expression on here and long may that continue.
Those words should be recoil, reflective, awareness, proficient, control, evaluation and factual. If we applied those words with
passion then maybe things would not end up miscomprehended and heated. At the end of the day we are trying to attack historical accuracy not each other my brothers. And it saddens me when one of my brothers leave. Respect.