Stormtroopers 120mm Officer 57th Regt 1854. (Help)


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A Fixture
Oct 8, 2014
I have just started to clean up and prep above figure. Everything fits together just perfect but I am having difficulty trying to work out the placements of the sword slings.

Looking at the box art I would say that the hilt is facing upwards, therefore the rings would be facing down. What route do the slings take to reach the sword belt It is the top one I am having the problem with because of the bunnie coat. (it probably staring me in the face but I'm buggered if I can see it.)

If any kind chap or chapess as a picture of one they did earlier I would be greatfull for a look.

Hey Mick I looked at the box art too.... Cor that's a dilemma.
Here's a couple of zoom ins, don't know if it makes sense this way


If you suspend a scabbard from a waistbelt with slings this long so they hang down then all the way back up, it would drag on the floor when walking, but not when riding, so do you think he's a senior officer dismounted, and hence the pose?
Hi Paul.
Thanks for the zoom ins, I can see how the top one goes in now. I take your point about how long they will be. just have to make them as short/tight as pos.
I know with some coats they have a small slit in the waist for sword belts but I don't think so in this case. As for a mounted officer I wouldn't say so as the boots are not what I would call ridding boots and he is not wearing any hooks

But Thanks great help
Thanks Mick
Doh!!!!! Wot a eejit; I forget to look at his boots.
Still a great pose though, it's a lovely figure.
The lower sling just feeds up and glues out of sight behind his forearm doesn't it.
I think you will have to feed them both out of the jacket front.
I hope you enjoy the painting Mick
Hi Mike / Paul.

Yes looking at the box art the Guard is facing up so as you say the sword is upside down. and the sling would be attached to the underside.
looking at Pauls unpainted zooms (which I have only just noticed ) the slings are attached to the wrong side of the scabbard.
My problem is what route do the slings take to attach to the sword belt. One or both slings in through the side of the bunnie coat or the lower sling up and under the rear of the coat. But if it went in under the coat the sling may be to long.

Hoping someone had made the fig and made the decision for me

Mick I thought about this last night.
I thought if the sling ring is attatched to the buckle and not the scabbard, you just need to attach lower down instead, and feed the strap end into the front jacket opening, that would shorten the strapanyway.
If the ring is moulded, I'd just replace it
With regard to the lower sling, they usually attach to the waistbelt at this period about the point of the left kidney at the rear,
so again I'd just take it straight down and curl back up under the jacket out of sight.
I'm saying this before someone else says 'take the hilt off and turn it over problem solved'.
Not sure if this helps, the short sling is always at the front. If the rings are facing forward on the sword for whatever reason then the slings need to double back either on the outside as picture 2, or it could of course be twisted the other way, which is how the box art is, both are correct, the difference being you would see the inside or outside of the buckle.
If done like I have shown in pic 2 and put in the arm the bottom of the sword would get tangled under the rear sling so the box art is done correct.
Think of it as the sword has been slung as usual and twisted in the hand bringing the rings to the front.
In RM the rear sling comes up under the coat but the front pokes through a hole in the tunic, both attached to a belt under the tunic. We hook the sword up, as do the guards, the slings are still standard length. On horse they are not hooked.
If you need more pictures I can draw for you but as said, think of it hung normally and then put in the arm.
Hi Gra
Its not the ring end of the sling that is the problem. I understand how the sword belt and slings go together. Re this particular figure who is wearing a bunnie coat over his sword belt and is carrying his sword under his arm, I am trying to work out how best to affix sling to the hidden belt.
The top sling is not a problem as it can be positioned under the coat just below the left trouser pocket.
Now the bottom sling is the problem. Do I loop it down slightly and position it so it appears to be running up the back of the coat. If so I think the overall belt length would be to long. or do I put it in the side below the top one, it still may be a bit long.

So I was hoping that someone may have a completed fig and give me a pointer.

Hi Aaron,
Thats what I had in mind for the top fixing but what about the next one down. that my problem at the moment.

Hi Mick,
Yes, I see what you mean, it can go under the coat at the rear but if you look at the picture both slings are coming out the front of the tunic and going to corresponding rings. Look at the picture Mark posted above.
Hope this helps
You can see both slings here as Mark posted, the top one going to top ring.
Well done Gra, BY GEORGE HE'S GOT IT.

I was just about to give up and resort to plan B which was to join the slings and have him just carrying the sword.

Thanks again.
Mick 3272
Thank you all who assisted with this problem. Carried out a dry build with Tacky Wax last night and all worked out a dream.
Just goes to show what a great platform PF is in help and support with its members.

Thanks again
Hi mick

Just sean this should have mailed me and i could have told you.

Glad its sorted and thanks to everybody that helped mick

Many thanks

Thanks Stu
Thought I'd pestered you enough in the past so I thought I'd give you a well earned rest.
One of my favourites Mick, glad you are happy mate. Stu taught me to cast and put me in touch with Moz so I know how deep their passion is, they are my bench marks to quality :)

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