I've laid down a midtone undercoat using Vallejo burnt cad red through my airbrush
You need to be carefull when spraying the some of the Vallejo colours, there are a few that contain Cd.
There's a list of the "Offending" 38 (iirc) colours on their website... Burnt Cad Red is on the list.
Great work on the figure so far though.
Cd = Cadmium.
The colours that contain it are marked on the bottles, with a note to say that they shouldn't be sprayed. I "think" I remember there being 38 from the Model Colour range.
While these are perfectly safe when used with a brush, they are less so when "Atomised" through an airbrush.
You certainly don't want to breathing that into your lungs.
Good to hear you're back on form Simon.
Looking great,