Ok so done a lot of little jobs this week
Regimental Facings still not happy here so added some Yellow Game Ink then glazed over with Vallejo Sand Yellow
Breeches and Shirt Collar were shadowed using a mix of Vallejo Deck Tan and Dark Sea Grey, this was then toned down using a Deck Tan Glaze, The highlight was added using a mix of Vallejo Deck Tan and White.
The leather parts of the scabbard had Vallejo Black stippled on.
All the silver buttons were first given a coat of Game Colour Chainmail, then given a wash with thinned Black ink and finally given a touch of Klear to add shine.
The officers wings were painted in much the same way accept the klear was substituted for a highlight using Vallejo Silver.
The gilt pieces on the scabbard, pistol grip, bugle horn's on coat turnbacks, bugle horns on officer wings and buckles on belt and haversack had already been based using Vallejo English uniform over this was added a glaze of Vallejo Brass.
The sword knot was based using Vallejo Khaki.
The shako Vallejo Dark sea grey was glazed over to add fabric effect and then a first very thin black ink wash was applied. Vallejo White was added to key areas on the peak to add a light a effect.
The bugle horn and Cockade button were based in Game Colour Chainmail and then highlight using Vallejo silver a coat of klear was added to some areas.

away on holiday for a week now so more to follow soon.....................