I would like see a whole line figures from the Flashman series of novels. Ideally for me, these would be in the 90 - 120mm range.
The world always needs more of Harry Paget Flashman.
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Does anyone remember the infamous "Rape of Tortuga" set of pirates by Cliff Sanderson? I remember seeing a full page advert in Campains magazine, and the following month, in the reader's letters page, a guy cancelling his subscription because of the pornographic photo. because his young boy read the mag, and he didn't want him to see pics like that. Of course, it was OK for him to see various forms of vioent deaths in miniature, but forms of conception was too much!! lol, Ray
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueblo_RevoltI remember an article in M.M. about rebels to the Spanish Conguistadors. They were native Americans with a curious mixture of Local and Spanish weapons. Now that would suprise some Judges in competitions !!
Does anyone remember the infamous "Rape of Tortuga" set of pirates by Cliff Sanderson? I remember seeing a full page advert in Campains magazine, and the following month, in the reader's letters page, a guy cancelling his subscription because of the pornographic photo. because his young boy read the mag, and he didn't want him to see pics like that. Of course, it was OK for him to see various forms of violent deaths in miniature, but forms of conception was too much!! lol, Ray