Subjects you would like to see


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So true, but for me it was the contrast. His 8yr.old could see any number of violent ways of Death, but showing him a naked female with legs akimbo being raped well, just not done in the 70s USA
Here's some more subjects I would love to see both as figures and busts

Victorian /Indian Army ...,,,also busts of British officers in mess dress

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An interesting thread, this. It is clear that we all have our little niche areas of interest, subjects and ideas which we think would make good miniatures. Unfortunately, and I think we've covered this before, it is unlikely that many, if any at all, would ever see light of day, due to their perceived lack of sales interest from manufacturers. Those of you who are aware of my work will know that much of my interest lies in the unusual, "off the beaten track" type of subjects and conflicts and, although it attracts attention both here and on FB, this rarely translates into actual sales, which are needed to perpetuate ranges. Inevitably, and this is not a sideswipe at makers, the "tried and tested" will always prevail, as this is where the money is. Just my two penn'th, again!(y)
An interesting thread, this. It is clear that we all have our little niche areas of interest, subjects and ideas which we think would make good miniatures. Unfortunately, and I think we've covered this before, it is unlikely that many, if any at all, would ever see light of day, due to their perceived lack of sales interest from manufacturers. Those of you who are aware of my work will know that much of my interest lies in the unusual, "off the beaten track" type of subjects and conflicts and, although it attracts attention both here and on FB, this rarely translates into actual sales, which are needed to perpetuate ranges. Inevitably, and this is not a sideswipe at makers, the "tried and tested" will always prevail, as this is where the money is. Just my two penn'th, again!(y)

Your "two penn'th" is very welcome

Agree with comments manufacturers do need to translate into sales to make releases viable

Sone great ideas here though

The Japanese Heian period from 794 - 1185 ( has been totally overlooked, with it's colourfull court custumes and the early Samurai styles. There was a company named Village Green which released a range of 28mm figures from temple sets, peasant houses, samurai residences to all kinds of bushi, weapons and other items (about 125 in total).As I'm not in wargaming, I would prefer figures from the Heian period in 54 - 90 mm formats. I have been trying to locate the Village Green figures in vain for years. Maybe one of the more advanturos Russian sculptors will dig into this exciting period ?
Surely , this is what our Hobby is all about. If the figure isn't comercially available, then find a figure that lends itself for coversion to what you want.

There are plenty of "Acadamy" figs. around in many scales, so, have a go at making it. The Hobby is called Military Modelling, not just painting.

If you feel your skills arn't up to that, then try some Animations of existing figs, so they stand out against all the others.

I promise, if you persevere, you'll get more satisfaction out of the hobby.

I first tried an Animation with the Gothic Knight from Hinchcliffe, I didn't like the weight of a solid metal Standard, so I cut it just above the waistbelt and added the torso, arms and head from the Almond Sculptures standing Knight. see pic.


What I’d like to see produced, and I think would be economically viable, would be sets of hands in 200mm. Soooooo useful for conversion (Like the heads and weapons available from Reedees) and scratch building as hands, I found, are one of the hardest things to sculpt.
here’s hoping.
One guy cancelling his subscription in a reader's letter and that being the end of it sounds awfully quaint now. These days there would probably be raucous Twitter campaigns driven by feminist groups, with the publisher's offices being picketed, the sculptor forced into making a humiliating apology (for "the terrible offence caused", his "lack of awareness" and promising to "do better") ... and then himself being "cancelled" anyway and rendered a non-person in true Soviet-era style.

Apologies for drifting a tad OT but I couldn't resist making the observation, such are the times we now live in.

- Steve

It's happened on here from time to time, the permanently outraged have got a few threads pulled, because of subjects THEY don't like sadly.
On the main topic though, I've always thought the Toureg would make great subjects.
Great Northern War figures would be 54MM Mounted Swedes and Russians and Poles.

I did pre order the Soga 75 MM Swedish Grenadier

The late 17th and early 18th century, especially the War of the Spanish Succession, and the Seven Years War.

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