Thank you to everyone here at Planet Figure


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A Fixture
Feb 28, 2006
Long Beach California
I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone here at Planet figure who have made me feel welcome. I have gotten a lot of kind words regarding the things I have posted so far. Seeing the work of some of the people who have made positive comments on my work truly humbles me. There are some true masters here.

I have always tried to be kind to people who have asked me for advice over the years. I started to gain a bit of a reputation as a figure painter back in the 80's. Back then I painted 25mm gaming figures. My best friend and I would sell figures at local Cons and once at Gen Con. I had won some contests, so I started to have people come up to me and ask for advice about painting. Even back then I always tried to be kind to people when they asked for advice. I especially liked when they would bring me something that they had painted for me to see, and ask me how they could make it better. When someone did that you could almost always be sure that they genuinely wanted to get better and really wanted to know what they could do to improve, but there were those times that it did go sour on me. When you would tell them something that they could do to make their figures better and they would get mad at me and tell me it looked great to them and storm off. Luckily those times were few and far between. I got a good sense of when some one might not really be ready to hear any thing that could be considered negative. I always started out telling people what they were doing right before I ever told them what they could improve. They were usually very grateful and my kindness would some times equal a sale of one of my figures. I never gave advice because I thought it would equal a sale. It was always something I thought I should do. It always felt right to give advice freely.

As time went by I started to get in to 54mm figures and I did fewer 25mm pieces. I discovered SCAHMS in about 1993. I got to meet people like Bill Horan and Steve Weakley, Peter Ferk in person and to see first hand how they did what they did. They were always ready to help and to teach you how to do what they did. It was like starting over getting in to that club. I had been a big fish in a small pond and now I was just a little fish in a big pond. I was made to feel welcome and got the chance to take Shep Paine's painting class. My first SCAHMS show I got a silver medal. I felt really great about that. In SCAHMS I found a lot of people who felt the same way I did that there were no secrets but that knowledge was meant to be shared.

I have tried to continue to share what ever I can with people in the hobby and have also learned to put my ego aside. To understand that there are always going to be people who are much more skilled then myself and to learn what I can form them. I have found one or two places on the web that seem to embody the same sort of feeling that knowledge is to be shared and passed on but now it is to a Global community not just a local one. The Planet is one of those places. I am very gald to have found it and I hope that I can be of service to this community.

Again let me say thank you to everyone one who has made me feel very welcome here. I still have a lot to learn. It looks as if I now have the eyes and ears so to speak of some of the best in the world.

Jeff Cupernell
Good morning Jeff (well it's morning here anyway!)

You summed up very well what this terrific hobby is all about. It's not only a whole collection of individuals sitting at their benches in the small hours working on their latest project, but it's the generous sharing of experience, good and bad that occurrs when those individuals get together at the clubhouse, the show, or here on the Planet.

It is an honour to be able to "rub shoulders" here with some of the best figure modellers out there, and very satisfying to find that they more than willing to jump in with advice and kindly criticism, as well as praise.

I for one appreciate your taking the trouble to pen your thanks to the Planet, and I would add my own to everyone out there whose individual and group efforts make this forum the excellent place it is! I've learned more about the hobby in the past two years than I did in the previous 33 :)

Cheers Jeff, and thanks
Hi Jeff

Its nice to see someone taking the time to put in words what they feel about Planet figure and the modelling community world wide. I would echo Phil's comments although I am still a figure modelling baby at ten years compared to some of the veterans of this hobby. There is always room to improve and modellers will always tell you they are "only as good as their last piece", and we are as a rule our own worst critics.

I have been a member of Planet for a while now but only started posting my figure photos a few days ago, you do worry about the sort of comments you will receive but as Jeff says these comments come gift wrapped along side praise. If you put your figures up for viewing you have to accept they are not everyone's taste, and also accept constructive critisism with grace and learn from it!

So Jeff well done for putting in words what I have always wanted to say.

Cheers Steve Walks
Well said, Jeff!

I'll second that notion! We always are looking for good articles to start us with our painting endeavors, but we never look for that article to get us through our personal endeavors in this hobby.In my opinion, this is the first hurdle that must be overcome. I should know. I keep tripping on it ALL THE TIME! :lol: :lol: This is quite refreshing and should be a MUST read for everyone!

Jim Patrick
Jeff, I've tried to come up with something to express the same sentiments, but feel you hit the nail on the head. There's no other place like it on the net.~Gary
Thanks guys,

I think that one of the hardest lessons to learn is to take critisam of your work. Constructive critisiam that is. I have seen some masters who are a little standoffish about commenting on other peoples work. I remember one time a guy drove hundreds of miles to come to a SCAHMS meeting just to tell Bill Horan that one of his figures details was wrong. After this guys said his piece he did not even stay untill the end of the meeting. The object that so upset this gentelman was a rolled up blanket draped across a CSA Private. He said he had tried with real blankets and there was no way that it would look the way Bill had sculpted it. I saw things like this happen to Bill more then a few times. Bill tended to hold any comment on your work untill he got to know you. There is nothing wrong with this approch especially considering the way I saw him treated from time to time. You really start to get a bit of a sixth sense about the people who come up to you. I must say I have never seen this happen on line. It seems that when people post their stuff on line they usually really want to get better and are open to what people tell them.

This is a really good place to come the people are very supportive and I have seen no trolls. I find myself wondering why some sites are still on line considering how rude and offensive the people who post there are. I just do not tolerate that kind of behavior. I only like sites that do not put up with it either. Again best to all here. And a big thank you to the creators and moderators of this wonderful site.


I am not sure why I left a space between every and one in the topic title. I do not seem to be able to fix it now. It should read everyone. Well live and learn proof read your topic title before you post
Originally posted by Jeff@Apr 7 2006, 11:47 AM
I am not sure why I left a space between every and one in the topic title. I do no seem to be able to fix it now. It should read everyone. Well live and learn proof read your topic title before you post
(Fixed it ;) )

Thankyou from all of us at planetFigure (y)

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