Ron Tamburrini
A Fixture
I think he's that Corsican/French chap with Italian parents, who invented the saying "If you can't fight, wear a big hat". Which is why his hat was smaller than almost everybody else's -- whilst they lost a great deal of peripheral vision, he could see round corners, and so knocked them all into a cocked hat . Eventually, all the snooty boys of Europe ganged up on him, took away all his toys, and sent him to a little island far,far away . But they kept a lot of his laws and institutions, funnily enough, because a lot of the 'common' folk had got used to them, thinking they were a pretty good set of ideals for men to live by. Oh, his name was Napoleon Bonaparte (Or Naboleone Buonarparte, if you're Corsican).
I actually had an uncle of that name but we just called him Nibbla for short
Forgot to mention My lot are from Corsica , Naples and Casino