Thread deleted.


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A Fixture
Aug 9, 2004
Glasgow 'no mean city'
I see that after being locked the entire Legion miniatures thread has been completely deleted.
In my opinion it would have been better to move the content to the General section.
The debate was principally about the appropriateness of a particular model. Surely this is a legitimate discussion on a modelling forum.
At no point as far as I can recall did the debate descend into personal attacks although one member ridiculously attributed it to an attack on the entire Russian nation. We are a hobby site not a world power.
The danger in total deletion as opposed to editorial management of content is that it can be seen as whitewashing if not content manipulation.
The avoidance of controversial topics and content devalues the robustness and openness of pF.
Unfortunately there are couple of posters who are above criticism. Legion is one.

Personally, although I did not contribute to thread mentioned I felt the remarks made were perfectly valid.
Don't use this site as free advertising if you can't take negative feedback.

This is moderation taken too far.

I wait to be shot at.

I see that after being locked the entire Legion miniatures thread has been completely deleted.
In my opinion it would have been better to move the content to the General section.
The debate was principally about the appropriateness of a particular model. Surely this is a legitimate discussion on a modelling forum.
At no point as far as I can recall did the debate descend into personal attacks although one member ridiculously attributed it to an attack on the entire Russian nation. We are a hobby site not a world power.
The danger in total deletion as opposed to editorial management of content is that it can be seen as whitewashing if not content manipulation.
The avoidance of controversial topics and content devalues the robustness and openness of Pf.

This using common sense thing? It'll never catch on, Del.
I think the occasional exploding thread adds some spice to the forum. If the heats becomes too great, locking may be an option.
Having said that, I fully understand the job of moderator is a challenging one that I’ll never please everyone.

I see another two threads have been heavily censored and locked.

I, for one, am getting a little bit miffed with this "my way or the highway" form of moderation.

There was nothing much wrong with the content of any of the three threads.
Time for a change of attitude from above, we are for the most part adults who have right to voice their opinions.

I see another two threads have been heavily censored and locked.

I, for one, am getting a little bit miffed with this "my way or the highway" form of moderation.

There was nothing much wrong with the content of any of the three threads.
Time for a change of attitude from above, we are for the most part adults who have right to voice their opinions.



Yes I moderated them's not a my way or the highway from me ...I am always happy to try and help

This is a modelling site not a debating chamber ...constructive comments

It's not easy to moderate ....we all think in different ways .......your welcome to do it instead if you wish

I am happy to stop trying

PM if you wish

Moderation is an absolute stinker of a task. pF is if anything moderated with a fairly light touch compared with some other forums. To an extent particularly controversial content tends to be self moderated by the membership.
There's always a place for a bit of controversy in debate and opinions but not if it becomes personal or indeed potentially illegal such a s the promtion of racism . The topic in question was concerns about the somewhat mysoginistic nature of the piece. To me a perfectly legitimate debate that has probably run its course. Naps moving it to General is the right action.

Yes I moderated them's not a my way or the highway from me ...I am always happy to try and help

This is a modelling site not a debating chamber ...constructive comments


I am sorry Kev, but I have to disagree - moderation should in the first place ensure that the forum guidelines are respected. That was the case with the threads in question. They were not moderated but the content was simply anihilated to the benefit of people that were caught on lying.
Furthermore the content was far from being a debating chamber. It was about the question if a company can be trusted that denied to have any relations to a person that abused his account on this forum to commit fraud and was therefore stopped to go further by the very same mod - you - that now whitewashed these threads by removing any information that the owners of TFB Miniatures have no qualms to employ Ian Burton - despite their previous denial - and carry on to threaten anyone who warns others that money invested could be lost with ridiculous legal consequences. Finally they moan that their reputation is ruined after they got caught on the fact that they have involved Ian Burton behind the bars and you just bemoan their pathetic withdrawal from this forum and leave only your praise of the future releases as postings within this thread.

I reported that thread to the admins in the hope that the thread will be moderated - but moderated in favor of uninformed members that are not aware of the background of this people.
In the meantime I received a PM from TFB where you can understand that they give a damn about any loss of property caused by their friend and excuse all his previous actions. I will not miss them on PF.

I am prepared that this post will be moderated likewise - but maybe you should give it a second thought. PM me if you wish to do so.

Cheers, Martin
I am sorry Kev, but I have to disagree - moderation should in the first place ensure that the forum guidelines are respected. That was the case with the threads in question. They were not moderated but the content was simply anihilated to the benefit of people that were caught on lying.
Furthermore the content was far from being a debating chamber. It was about the question if a company can be trusted that denied to have any relations to a person that abused his account on this forum to commit fraud and was therefore stopped to go further by the very same mod - you - that now whitewashed these threads by removing any information that the owners of TFB Miniatures have no qualms to employ Ian Burton - despite their previous denial - and carry on to threaten anyone who warns others that money invested could be lost with ridiculous legal consequences. Finally they moan that their reputation is ruined after they got caught on the fact that they have involved Ian Burton behind the bars and you just bemoan their pathetic withdrawal from this forum and leave only your praise of the future releases as postings within this thread.

I reported that thread to the admins in the hope that the thread will be moderated - but moderated in favor of uninformed members that are not aware of the background of this people.
In the meantime I received a PM from TFB where you can understand that they give a damn about any loss of property caused by their friend and excuse all his previous actions. I will not miss them on PF.

I am prepared that this post will be moderated likewise - but maybe you should give it a second thought. PM me if you wish to do so.

Cheers, Martin

Seconded Martin.
I would add that I have no problem with the thread being locked down. BUT I believe that ALL of the posts should have been left in situe.
I'm more over a covert moderator.
However,I do act in what is quite a moderate way. Excuse the pun.

I like a covert moderator ...They can piss excellence everywhere and no one knows where it's coming from, but everyone else has to clean it up. Sorry Carl, my uncontrolled sense of humor just took off on me and now I must regain control. :ROFLMAO:

I am sorry Kev, but I have to disagree - moderation should in the first place ensure that the forum guidelines are respected. That was the case with the threads in question. They were not moderated but the content was simply anihilated to the benefit of people that were caught on lying.
Furthermore the content was far from being a debating chamber. It was about the question if a company can be trusted that denied to have any relations to a person that abused his account on this forum to commit fraud and was therefore stopped to go further by the very same mod - you - that now whitewashed these threads by removing any information that the owners of TFB Miniatures have no qualms to employ Ian Burton - despite their previous denial - and carry on to threaten anyone who warns others that money invested could be lost with ridiculous legal consequences. Finally they moan that their reputation is ruined after they got caught on the fact that they have involved Ian Burton behind the bars and you just bemoan their pathetic withdrawal from this forum and leave only your praise of the future releases as postings within this thread.

I reported that thread to the admins in the hope that the thread will be moderated - but moderated in favor of uninformed members that are not aware of the background of this people.
In the meantime I received a PM from TFB where you can understand that they give a damn about any loss of property caused by their friend and excuse all his previous actions. I will not miss them on PF.

I am prepared that this post will be moderated likewise - but maybe you should give it a second thought. PM me if you wish to do so.

Cheers, Martin

Your views on Ian Burton in particular are quite strong also TFB you have now tarred with the same brush and accusing them of been liars. Strong stuff indeed.
However there is one thing missing in all of your rhetoric, where are the complaints from the sculptors who haven’t been paid for work done?
Would the likes of Offo work for free?
Also missing are the complaints from customers who have paid and have unfulfilled orders. I’m sure these pages would be full of “Ian Burton strikes again “

I have personally bought three busts from TFB and can attest to the quality of the casting and delivery.

You say you want to tell the uninformed members of the background of these people, do you know them?

All I see your words doing is having a negative effect on a fledgling company and depriving people of the right to see and buy something they may like.
I am confident you will disagree with my views but the other side of the coin needs to be see.
Was not going to post but we would like to say thank you Peter. For telling the other side of the coin. Also good to hear you like the quality and the service.

I would also like to thank Nap, we know you have a tough job and it’s not going to please everyone. We decided to leave to help calm a volatile situation getting worse. We sent a PM to Martin and Redcap out of curtesy and to keep the the situation from getting more out of hand. Redcap replied but Martin decided to respond on here well Sir if you wanted people not see TFB Miniatures in the flesh and not meet the owners then it worked.

I received an email from the Sword and lance organisers saying because of the events over the weekend it would be inappropriate to offer us a trade stand at sword and Lance. So it seems you are judge and jury on here. The same happened with the White Rose Show too that one had nothing to do with your post. But it seems because of our use of some one you and others dislike we are to be punished. Well other shows have excepted us and customers are still happy with us and so are the sculptors and artists so long may it be so.

You said we will not be missed well sir your custom will not be missed, but if you or any other persons in the future wish to use us you would be given the same service as all our other happy customers we don’t discriminate.



TFB Miniatures Team
Your views on Ian Burton in particular are quite strong also TFB you have now tarred with the same brush and accusing them of been liars. Strong stuff indeed.
However there is one thing missing in all of your rhetoric, where are the complaints from the sculptors who haven’t been paid for work done?
Would the likes of Offo work for free?
Also missing are the complaints from customers who have paid and have unfulfilled orders. I’m sure these pages would be full of “Ian Burton strikes again “

I have personally bought three busts from TFB and can attest to the quality of the casting and delivery.

You say you want to tell the uninformed members of the background of these people, do you know them?

All I see your words doing is having a negative effect on a fledgling company and depriving people of the right to see and buy something they may like.
I am confident you will disagree with my views but the other side of the coin needs to be see.
Hi Peter,
I agree that my postings might confuse others that don't know about previous actions of Mr. Burton. I further agree that the abscence of postings that back my view is raising doubts about their validity. I have to leave that to the personal decision of affected members and sculptors (yes there were even sculptors...) and so I am not going into more details about previous frauds by Mr. Burton. If a new company on this forum silences concerns about involvement of this person by declaring that they just bought the moulds and masters and will consider legal action against those that tell otherwise and now have to admit that this person is involved in advertising the products and production- well I consider their initial statement as a lie. Nevertheless if you are interested in details feel free to switch to PM. I would regret to see this thread initiated by another member being moderated. Cheers Martin
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