Hi Guys,
Thanks for comments ..appreciated .
Enjoy the model its great to work on , a good reference is the Europa Militaria Special No14 (ISBN 1-86126-335-X) which has pictures of a reenactor of Tomoe on pages 78/79 , also if you go on Quangs site there was a link to a video of the annual festival with good footage .Also obviously the Osprey books as well and anything by Stephen Turnball .
Thanks for comments , the 120 mm figure is a stunning one as well please so post your progress so we can all enjoy it , you mention about the facial paint , from my research it was made up from a lead based compound which is slightly shiny , if you see the actual model it looks about right ...but we live and learn !!!
Megroot ,
Thanks for your comments , hopefully Quang will like what he sees but its all helped by such a great sculpt and the ease it goes together beautifully , mind you wish some of the pics were better .