Completed 60th Regt


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Nap, this figure and build has just reminded me that I made a 54mm Airfix version of 'one of these' [I think?] some 60 years ago! Long before I was into this kind of military modelling, like I am now! So, following with much interest and have already learnt a lot. Like the 'tache' and hairline and the early overall painted look of the face.
Good to see the paint going on this one, don't rush him after all that nice sculpting......
Nap, this figure and build has just reminded me that I made a 54mm Airfix version of 'one of these' [I think?] some 60 years ago! Long before I was into this kind of military modelling, like I am now! So, following with much interest and have already learnt a lot. Like the 'tache' and hairline and the early overall painted look of the face.
Hi Kim

Yes there was a 95th Rifleman in the Airfix Collectors series , might have been that one 21F0853F-103F-4151-8AF1-19BACE3C66CE.jpeg09818052-9C74-4286-93C9-C8F58662C479.jpeg

The tashe has changed several time as I kept knocking the ends off , for info the white bit is a chin strap I added , the face is just a basecoat of Vallejo Brown Sand , the uniform colour will change to a slightly darker green , once all done .

Not sure if you’ve seen this conversion

Thanks for looking in

Good to see the paint going on this one, don't rush him after all that nice sculpting......

Nice to get paint on this ...fear not no rushing from me

Appreciate your comments

That's a nice green for the tunic, the real thing is very dark but that wouldn't work well in scale.

Cheers Simon
Looking good Kev,
Nice shade of Rifle green to be starting on,
Not even O'Rafferty's Motor car has that shade of green on the Cuff😂.
Will be following
That’s of course correct ....Think possibly the Angel Green could be a highlight colour

Any suggestions for colours to use very welcome 🙏

Thanks for looking in

Red is meant to be the complmentary colour and while green works well to shade red I wouldn't do it the other way around. Personally I would use a black, either Army Painter or SC75 in the darkest shade and experiment with darker blues through the mid tone but only using them to deepen the green rather than change the colour too much. That said if it's a disaster I must stress I find green to be one of the hardest colours to get right!

Cheers Simon
Looking good Kev,
Nice shade of Rifle green to be starting on,
Not even O'Rafferty's Motor car has that shade of green on the Cuff😂.
Will be following

Hi Mick

Nice to see you looking in ......greens a good start 😉but the cuff colour needs work 😂

Yes I googled ....Val D.........goodness me ....DA9E4085-09AF-4FD9-A4DF-ECC573EB609F.jpeg

Good to have you watching and looking in

I'm just catching up with this, wow you're getting good at this putty pushing.
I see another corker on the way from Nap.

This is an interesting uniform Kev, i like the Army painting Angel green, i bought 2 pots by mistake and i do not regret.

Keep up the awesome work!
This is an interesting uniform Kev, i like the Army painting Angel green, i bought 2 pots by mistake and i do not regret.

Keep up the awesome work!

Hi Daniel

It certainly is not the most colourful but very distinctive for Angel Green .....I did the same !

Pleased to say this is very close to the bench

Happy benchtime

Hi to all

Not had the chance to get the brushes out but kept looking at the head ......raised lines under the eyes just seemed more noticeable after the basecoat off came all the base and careful sanding underneath to reduce the areas .........I also resculpted the left ear 👂 after it broke off again as well as adding eyebrows and lower eyelids ...oh and the moustache has been redone again !!

Now onto primer and basecoat on head


Stay tuned !

Nice, though I'd have been inclined to leave the detail under the eyes to stop him looking too youthful.

As for the tash, I reckon you need to start making them from steel given the number of times you break them off!

Cheers Simon
Hi Nap,
Some nice changes made, very tidy well done mate..... could have put a S.A.G.'s on him, he looks old enough.
Must say don't like the spec's too Deirdre Barlow for my liking.

That reminds me I have 120mm 60th K.R.R.C. figure to finish.

Looking forward to more updates.
Hi Nap,
Some nice changes made, very tidy well done mate..... could have put a S.A.G.'s on him, he looks old enough.
Must say don't like the spec's too Deirdre Barlow for my liking.

That reminds me I have 120mm 60th K.R.R.C. figure to finish.

Looking forward to more updates.

Hi Richie

Thank you always good to have you looking in ...thinking of adding some bags under the eyes ?

S.A.G ? South African medal ?? there is a medal on him ....just !!

You leave Dierdre Barlow alone ....LOL must admit that was my thhought as well .......but dont think she had a moustache ??
Looking forward to seeing the 120 KRRC ........especially what the green uniform looks like ........or indeed any update from the bench

Have fun

Hi Richie

Thank you always good to have you looking in ...thinking of adding some bags under the eyes ?

S.A.G ? South African medal ?? there is a medal on him ....just !!

You leave Dierdre Barlow alone ....LOL must admit that was my thhought as well .......but dont think she had a moustache ??
Looking forward to seeing the 120 KRRC ........especially what the green uniform looks like ........or indeed any update from the bench

Have fun

You replied to it sometime back, it's on my vbench as 60th K.R.R.C. to be honest I could not tell you what I used for the green, I paint by eye each time no formula.

Heathen, yes the South Africa General service medal 1877-1879 and she had a better tash than you or I could ever sport. (where are the emojis)

Hi Richie

That’s another possibility for him the 60th qualified

Medal description: 36mm diameter in silver with an ornate swivelling suspension.

Obverse - the diademed head of Queen Victoria and the legend "VICTORIA REGINA".

Reverse; a plinth supporting a crouching lion; in the background a Protea bush with a single flower, above this are the words “SOUTH AFRICA”

Ribbon; orange, with two outer wide blue stripes, and two inner narrow blue stripes.

