This mornings task was to paint the shirt and put a basecoat down for the waistecoat.
For the scarf I applied a basecoat of SC75 Thar brown, with a little Mojave white added.
For the shadow I decided to use a different approach for the shadows, although I have used it a couple of times before. Thinning down the shade to a watery consistency and building up the layers gradually.
For this I added a little SC75 black to some Thar brown, This worked well so I could move on to building up the highlights. I started by using the Mojave white, thinned down a little, and then for the final highlight I added
a little white to this.
To finish off I added some deeper shadows where necessary, and then applied a final was of the middle shade
to pull it all together.
Moving on to the waistecoat, I've applied a basecoat using Kimera Yellow Ochre, with a little SC75 White, Black,
After this had dried, I applied of wash of Vallejo Chocolate brown to tone it down and start on the shadows.

Please click on the thumbnail for a larger image.