twentieth anniversary of PEGASO


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I want to reassure all person who had written to Pietro Balloni (Pegaso) to get information about The Black Watch. Pietro has received all the email and he will answer to the questions as soon as Pegaso decided some little details. Inside the box there will be a 4 colors pages instruction sheet with news about the 42nd Regiment. In the box you can find regimental panoply sculpt by Andrea Jula and a printed postcard with original signature and numbering.
The figure will be boxed in the box of 90mm on foot. NOT in the smaller of 75mm. The kit will be metal but the base and the flag
will be in the resin. The piece will be presented for the first time in Kulmbach in August. This will be a PRE-SALE. All remaining kits will be sold officially in Folkestone 2013. This means that the sale order will be:
1) All those present in Kulmbach
2) All those present in Folkestone/Milan
3) All those who have made ​​a reservation via e-mail;
4) All other until sold out.

To follow the latest information, including commercial
Finally, the last element to decide whether to have one of the copies of the commemorative figurine is official: it will go on sale at the cost of € 78.00.
Personally I think that is a wrong option (not to say other thing) to make this kind of figure... Why does it have to be limited edition?? It's such a great figure, they probably wasted great many resources to doing it, and gonna limit it to 300 people when you could make it available for everyone... it's a figure that would sell amazingly good, they would make a lot of money, and everybody were happy... but instead with have almost 6 months of figures of mediocre level, that few people are interested, at least with the same enthusiasm, and here we a have "hit" just for a bunch of lucky guys that happen to be in the right place.... not to talk of "black market" so to speak...
But hey, what do I know...?....
Just had to put it out...

Personally I think that is a wrong option (not to say other thing) to make this kind of figure... Why does it have to be limited edition?? It's such a great figure, they probably wasted great many resources to doing it, and gonna limit it to 300 people when you could make it available for everyone... it's a figure that would sell amazingly good, they would make a lot of money, and everybody were happy... but instead with have almost 6 months of figures of mediocre level, that few people are interested, at least with the same enthusiasm, and here we a have "hit" just for a bunch of lucky guys that happen to be in the right place.... not to talk of "black market" so to speak...
But hey, what do I know...?....
Just had to put it out...


Totally agree with your friend, why so long still have not send anything worthwhile as a theme and suddenly have something unique that not only 300 people will buy it but you have to go and reports which will be presented to buy and increased price due to collector piece. (78 euros)?
And me personally it after so many months will have gone the mood to buy.
And as we say a proverb in Greece to στην '' βράση κολλάει το σιδερο'' '' strike while the iron.''

Really it is very sad what makes PEGASO for the customers.Turns out a piece for the 20th anniversary.
And applies only to three hundred Lucky Man.
For me it is a very big mistake for the company.:(
All that this "limited edition" stuff does is encourage black marketeers, profiteers and recasters. I don't see the point of it myself.

All this does is encourage chancers to buy half a dozen and flog them off a year down the line on feeBay at vastly inflated prices, while people who may genuininely want to paint the thing miss out, or have to pay daft money later if they really want to paint one. Not to mention dodgy resin copies from vendors in East Asia ("no more box, base not include").

- Steve
I'm glad that you manifested yourselfs and agreed with me. Sometimes I wonder if the owners of this brands look in to market and ask themselves: "ok, what do people want?" instead of releasing monthly figures that have nothing of extraordinary, nothing new...just more of the same... Planetfigure here it's a great scoop to the worldwide market, why don't they come here and ask what people liked to have... make an inventory of requests/statistic, something like that... Diego Fortes must have sold more with his bill sikes, even without an artbox painted by some master, then the last Pegaso releases altogether... Hey Pegaso come down to the world and see what people want, ask if you have to!! Your quality is excellent, just need the right choice of products...
I'm just hoping that someone that works for these brands see this and think about it... remember that "the costumer is always right".

Hello to all!My friends and I bought many,many of Pegasofigures over the past years.When I visit my basement,I think I´m in Pegasoland :)!The chance to get one of these Scotsman is very small.And there are realy more than 299 Pegasofans all over the World.In a year or so,in ebay the 42nder will reach the 100 Euro-mark.Remember Richard Lionhard.Why they don´t sell the figure normally???????

As someone who has just started doing limited issue kits I thought I would respond.

We are in a recession,,,,people no longer need or want or are allowed to have grey armies.

There are 1000s of companies and 1000s of releases regularly, the problem is what is going to sell !!!!!!!

Limited issue gives me definite production limits and costs,,,I know where I stand.

It hopefully lets me corner or refine the market in my favour,,,,I say hopefully.

I take a risk that a recaster will produce it,,,,fine I could remanufacture it ,, obviously no box, no painting instructions and I'll let the dog cast it so he gets a shite casting cos that's what people want from recasters,,,right !!!

Pegaso have a special figure for a special occasion,,,whats the problem ,,,get a friend to buy one for you that's going to one of the shows.

Buisness is changing because it has too,,,or there will be no business


As someone who has just started doing limited issue kits I thought I would respond.

We are in a recession,,,,people no longer need or want or are allowed to have grey armies.

There are 1000s of companies and 1000s of releases regularly, the problem is what is going to sell !!!!!!!

Limited issue gives me definite production limits and costs,,,I know where I stand.

It hopefully lets me corner or refine the market in my favour,,,,I say hopefully.

I take a risk that a recaster will produce it,,,,fine I could remanufacture it ,, obviously no box, no painting instructions and I'll let the dog cast it so he gets a shite casting cos that's what people want from recasters,,,right !!!

Pegaso have a special figure for a special occasion,,,whats the problem ,,,get a friend to buy one for you that's going to one of the shows.

Buisness is changing because it has too,,,or there will be no business


Hi Stuart,

I respect your input and your opinion, but you are telling me that Pegaso couldn't sold more than just 300 copies?
The problem, in my perspective, isn't just the fact that this one is limited, is bigger... is that they are (and others) monthly releasing
figures that don't have half the commercial potential of this one (just see the comments around them latest releases and of the last 4/5 months)
and when something has spectacular as this one comes out that many people want, you're gonna have to fight for it, or get lucky... there is no right way to guarantee your
figure, there is nothing...
For me, the prerogative isn't in the right place... I understand completely the need to make sure that you sell and make a profit, but you do that with your normal figures that you release, this guys do something out of ordinary and limit it, when other ordinary figures don't and could very well be. It's just kind of a twisted logic I think.
At least could do more copies...


Pegaso have made their decision on a number,,300 copies,,,,I think that's about right personally.

I could only dream of selling that amount,,,they have also probably made that decision on the fact that the market is slower,,,yes its a great figure,,,300 may not be enough, but its all there is going to be,,,live with it I'm afraid.

There is also no point in making a "mediocre" figure limited,,, it still wont sell.

The figures that make serious money on ebay are generally those that didn't sell well,, you should look for these as they are a good investment which for some people is what figures are about.

I'm sure you will get one,,,I'll be at euro, I will get one for you if you like.

Of course I'm gonna have to live with it... what can I do?
It's just an opinion... As a figure that I would love to paint is something that makes me sad...
I don't do that thing of buy a figure as an investment, I spend money on them because I want to paint them, no to have it locked
and then sell it and make a few coins out of it... that is not the hobby for me... I paint figures. To make money I work...
Thank You for your kindness and I may contact you ;)

The simple fact is that will be sold out really fast ,a lot of people will be disappointed and the low quantity guarantees that it will be copied .The question remains though why they stick to mediocre regular releases and let a real money maker get wasted !

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