WIP 'Ulla' - The War of The Worlds


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Gordy / Scott / Christos - Thanks for your latest coments guy's they're much appriciated.

I have completed another session today and have added some more detail to the building work,roof tiles have been added which wer'e made from plasticard with some of the tiles showing damage.

I have also included 2x telegraph poles with 1x of these having crashed against the damaged building,these wer'e made of balsa dowel section and the brackets have been added with plastruct sections,more detailing is required on these at another siting,the lampost and wall light are from the verlinden range with pieces of plastic tubing added for more detail,i have adde damage to the lampost with a part section having fallen against the building.

Signs have been added also from the verlinden range and attached as suited.

Drainpipes have been added to the walls,these wer'e just again piece's of plastic tubing bent and shaped to suit,the wall brackets holding the drainpipe are strips of lead foil and cut to size accordingly.

Window frames have been added from matchsticks and the broken windows are made of clear plastic sheet and cut to the desired size.

The 2nd phase of the rubble i have added with model bricks some of which have been crushed and this was mixed with cat litter,a 2nd layer of polyfilla has been applied mixed with water and PVA glue,the brick and cat litter was then applied and pressed into the wet polyfilla,this will now be left to dry for 24hrs,a final coating of polyfilla will be applied and this will be finished off with brick and cat litter again but also pieces of beam and roof tiles will also be added.

Resin shutters have been added to the windows,these are old pieces left over from a verlinden building i did a few years ago.

I'm quite happy with the progress so far,i have a bit more detailing work to complete with the building yet and will keep you posted on my progress.;)


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Hi Brian
Perhaps the most corrupt in miniature scene I have ever seen.
Amazing I am left with my mouth open in this masterpiece man.
You must have seen many movies to reach this great result!

Thanks lads for your support and kind coments,i hav'nt been able to post for a couple of days due to work comitments,but fortunately i've been able to get a few hours in today,so this is where i'm upto.
Following on from the last post i've added some furniture to the scene as well as a bicycle,a 2nd lampost,some damaged barrels and a couple of oil drums,although these dont have any significance to the final piece i just like to add detail to the scene to give it more interest,i've also added a light hanging from the ceiling on the middle floor.
A final application of rubble has now been applied along with floorboard and roof debris,the furniture has just been placed with blu-tac at present and will be removed and painted seperately for ease of painting.
I will be adding some road signs to the building and possibly the undamaged telegraph pole,these signs i will have to make myself as i want them to correspond with some of the venues that are mentioned on the WOTW album,i will make these from plasticard and once painted and weathered will be added to the building at a later stage.
I will be posting updates of painting and weathering the building soon which will be mostly airbrush work for the main areas and hand painting of all the detail work.
I'm also at the stage now where i'm thinking about the types of figures i want on the scene,again i will keep you posted.
Once again many thanks to all my fellow modelers for your support in this project.
I probably wont get back to my workbench until tuesday now as the wife has banned me from any modeling tomorow as it's valentines day,:(

Happy Painting,Brian :)


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I can't wait to see some paint on this Brian, although it will be a shame to cover it up.
Superb details, love it,
Hi! Brian.
It's close and is the wonderful scene.
Indeed rubble and a chair are effective.
I'm pleasant for future's progress.

Outstanding, Brian! I was impressed as I saw the various stages of adding rubble that you have, but when I got to the pic of the damaged pole and the scratching you did there, I had to rub my eyes! Just excellent, really excellent details!

Oh, and regarding Dr. Shock--he hosted a Saturday afternoon horror/monster/sci-fi movie show on our local UHF station. Between segments of the movies, and the commercials, he did bad card and magic tricks, and told really old jokes. There were lots of shows like that around the country back then. And if you ever watched the old SCTV show from Canada, Joe Flaherty's Count Floyd was an homage to those hosts, who tried so hard with next to nothing to work with ;)

The SciFi channel has picked up the baton, with their horrible, horrible, straight-to-video fate (eg, "Pterodactyl", with Coolio as a US special forces commando) that's so bad, it's funny.

But I digress! Excellent work here, I'm enjoying your SBS, learning a lot, too.

Good to be back guy's,i managed to get quite a bit of modeling done today and have started on the exterior painting of the building and the debris on one side of the exterior.

The walls of the building wer'e undercoated with 2x coats of gameswokshop bleached bone,i speeded up the drying with a hairdryer,this colour would represent the mortar colour found in european brick buildings,once this was completed and dry i applied 3x very light coats of gamesworkshop terracotta and again this was dried with the hairdryer.

I wanted to break up the colour pattern of the bricks and decided to incorporate different coloured bricks which wer'e handpainted onto the building at different points,you dont have to go mad with this,just a few different colours here and then.

With the building being heavly damaged i did'nt want to overlook the the smoke / scorch marks which would be evident after a building fire,to replicate this feature i chose small amounts of lamp black oil paint and applied this to the areas arround windows with and old brush after which the paint was stippled into the brickwork to represent the burn / char effect i was looking for.

I then used small amounts of Juanne colour oil paint which is similar to a flesh colour and dabed this onto the brickwork with a small piece of sponge,this would give me the effect of brick / mortar dust on the building.

The window shutters wer'e undercoated with gamesworkshop skull white and when dry wer'e painted with differnt shades of dark / medium / light green,it was important to again replicate some of the mortar colour onto these as well.

The facings over the windows were undercoated again with skull white followed by using an acrylic granite colour as the basecolour,these will be finished in the next session,the same was done with the oil drums and these will also be finished in the next session.

The damaged barrel is about 80% finished with some final weathering required to complete.

The lamposts have also recieved their basecolour and again these wil be finished at a later session.

The areas of cobblestones have been completed and these just need to be weathered when i finalise the painting and postioning of the figures.

The other half of the exterior debris i will finish in the next session and perhaps a start on the roof section and the drainpipes.

I'm quite pleased with the progress so far,please feel free to add your coments they're always appriciated and i look forward to my next posting.

'Theyr'e could be no living thing on that remote forbidding palnet'
Brian :)


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Absolutely outstanding - Brian! You are the master of destruction in dioramas. Honestly it looks terrific! :)

One minor historical point or question. If your diorama is supposed to be "occurring" at the time Wells set his story - about 1895 as I recall - would metal oil drums be in use? I think those came about maybe some time between the two world wars-?

All the best,
Dan / Gordy - many thanks for your latest posts.Dan - the 2x film versions i've seen which was the 1953 original looks like it was set in the american 50s and the latest one which stared tom cruise was set in modern day america,the jeff wayne musical album was set in victorian britain so we have 3x different time periods depicting the story,i've decided to set mine somewhere arround the mid 40s,to awnser your question i have not based the model on the time of HG Wells,i just thought i'd use my imagination with the project.Gordy - Thats very kind of you to consider it as an article,i hav'nt built dioramas for some time now and i've been overwelmed with the kind and positive coments,good to know after so long i hav'nt lost my touch in this area.Brian
Wow Brian, you are a true artist. And I personally want to thank you so much
for taking all those great SBS photographs. Very high quality photos.

Not surprised that you've received such a big response, so positive from the
fellow Planeteers.

Raising the Hobby to an art form. . . And we got to watch it take place.

Congratulations, Brian. Truly beautiful,

The Miami Jayhawk

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