After a busy weekend i finally got back to the workbench,following on from the last post 80% of the exterior work and interior work was complete,what i now wanted to add wer'e some of the smaller details which would compliment the furniture,these wer'e chosen from the verlinden range and represent bottles,cans,plates,books etc,these i would place as required on the diorama to add more realism when its being viewed.
These wer'e all undercoated seperately using GW skiull white acrylic,after 30min drying time i started to paint these with different base coat colours and once these wer'e dry i weathered them with lighter faded colours,the final step in this process was to all the accessories a thin wash of GW sepia,this gives the pieces a nice weathered / dirty look which is what i was looking for,it also helps tone down the brighter colours used in the weathering process.
Some of these accessories wer'e placed seperately and some with the furniture as required.
I added a small wheelbarrow to the exterior street scene from the andrea range also with some accessories,this i will finish painting next time round.
I'm in the process of making some street signs as well,these will be disscussed posibly in my next post.
I always wanted to incorporate some of the features from the musical and this would involve adding the red weed,i thought about the many ways i could replicate this and i finally decided upon liquid plastic which would be coloured with GW blood red,for those of you who have never used liquid plastic i will explain,its used quite alot in converting plastic figures and is used quite widely in aircraft modeling,the way to make it is to take a couple of small bottles of liquid poly from your local model shop and pour this into an empty glass jar,you then add pieces of plastic sprue or plastic card and let it disolve into liquid plastic,you can apply it with a brush or toothpick to any surface and it dries and set off in about 15mins of application,depending on how thick you want it will depend on how much plastic you add,its up to each individuals taste.
This mixture i then added to the scene with an old brush,as in the latest film and the musical the red weed was quite evident and would cover most of the ground and structures once it was released by the martians,i did'nt want to go too mad with this as i still wanted some of the structure to show through,it was difficult reaching the right balance about 50 / 50 but i'm very happy with the way its turned out.
I apologise if there's been a few days break between posts but work commitments are quite heavy so i will keep you posted when i can.