If it ain't broken, no need to fix it.
So many times I've found that the "new improved" version of something is actually a crock of shite - far less user-friendly than the older version, and full of pointless "features" that are the software equivalent of those rubbish gadgets that you find in the Sunday supplements.
But of course the tech companies have to make money somehow, which is why every few years they try to force us to upgrade to something that we don't actually need.
I'm still using Windows 7 on a Desktop. I'm perfectly happy with it, it does everything I want and need it to do and I see no reason to change it until and unless I absolutely have to. Why bother?
The only "i" gadget I have is an iPod. And I understand that they're old hat now as well. But nevertheless, it works absolutely fine for me.
Oh and as for Google translate, I recently posted on FB two reasons why it will never put me out of a job:
1) Хорошо ему в пару твой новый от Олега пойдет. И супротив можно поставить и вместе.
Well him in a couple of your new from Oleg will go. And they can be put together.
2) Не смею спорить. Задумаешь виньетку, с меня отливка в подарок. Красотень выйдет
Don't dare to argue. Zadumayeshʹ Vinʹyetku, with the cast of me as a gift. Cool out.
- Steve