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Found it
Beowulf 2000
Meanehwael, baccat meaddehaele / monstaer lurccen
Fulle few too many drincce / hie luccen for fyht.
Den Hreorfneorhtthhwr / son of Hewaerowthheororthwyl
Aesccen aeful jeork / to strop outsyd
Phud! Bashe! Crasch! Beoom! / De bigge gye
Eallum his bon brak / byt his nose offe
Wicced Godsylla / waeld on this asse
Monstaer moppe fleor wyth / eallum men in halle
Beowulf in bacceroome / fonecall bemaccen waes
Hearen sound fo ruccus / saed "Hwaet the helle?"
Graben sheold strang / ond swich-blaed shcharp
Stond forth to fyht / thr grimlic foe
"Me," Godsylla saed / "Mac the minsemete."
Heoro cwyc getten heold / with faemed half-nelson
Ond flyng him lic frisbe / bac to fen
Beowulf belly up / to meadehalle bar
Saed "Ne foe beaten / mie faersom cung-fu."
Eorderen cocca-colha / yce=cold, the reol thyng.
Found it
Beowulf 2000
Meanehwael, baccat meaddehaele / monstaer lurccen
Fulle few too many drincce / hie luccen for fyht.
Den Hreorfneorhtthhwr / son of Hewaerowthheororthwyl
Aesccen aeful jeork / to strop outsyd
Phud! Bashe! Crasch! Beoom! / De bigge gye ...........

Just another Saturday night (y)
Roger is it true that the fine Vikings of Shetland refuse to spend much time with the Fisheries Protection as you try to stop them raping and plundering?